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Changelog 25.1

 6 Minutes





Pixera 25.1 INTER 14
 11 Feb 25



* Backup: Output activation at usage transfer takes matrix into account.
* Backup: Matrix always taken into account on usage transfer (including from presets), settings reordered, trigger backup button added.

* DMX: Fixed wrong serializing of DMX info for interpolation time params.
* DMX: Fixed wrong calculation of scale all axis parameter.
* DMX: Fixed not checking for redundant resource assignment reset which caused constant updates and led to wrong blending.
* DMX: Fixed missing activation groups entries, led to crash in GMA3.
* DMX: Fixed auto patch problems.
* DMX: Non-integer frames corrected when creating cues and in remaining.
* DMX: Fixed auto patch problems.
* DMX: Fixed wrong calculation of scale all axis parameter.
* DMX: Fixed not checking cue selection redundancy, causing unintended looping when triggering "play" cue via DMX
* DMX: Fixed not checking for redundant playmode causing override of playmode set by cue.

* Timeline: Trigger cues: fade duration of timeline to trigger on current time has no effect. Fixed.
* Timeline: SMPTE. Relative changes of Hot Region TC Time resulted in wrong times. Fixed.
* Timeline: Keyframes. For clips with small layer height it was impossible to resize via end of clip dragging. Fixed.
* Timeline: Timeline: Newly created layer from dropped resource in workspace is inited correctly regarding home screen and screen groups.
* Timeline: Dynamic render order change: Reset render order if property is disabled for timeline which is currently rendered on top.
* Timeline: Timeline Export. Colour resources were invisible in exported file. Fixed.
* Timeline: Wrong check which generated misleading log messages removed.
* Timeline: Keyframes. Add to selection via Strg + MouseClick did not work for keyframes that are very close to each other. Fixed.
* Timeline: Cues. Selection via marquee was shifted by incorrect offset when timeline structure was vertically scrolled. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Resource: After resource change (non-audio to audio video), the new one does not restart, even with activated dev feature "Dominant Resource Change Resets Time". Old fix in 2.1.135 was not complete. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Values. Playback change or nowpointer repositioning canceled delayed change. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Values. Delayed value changes started from 0 instead of current curve defined value when entering dominant state. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Values of Effect Parameters: When repositioning Nowpointer out of clips and back in, the dominant value is not applied anymore. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Resource: After resource change, the new one does not restart. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Values. When repositioning Nowpointer out of clips and back in, the dominant value is not applied anymore. Fixed.
* Timeline: Trigger cues: triggering playing timeline to pause at its current time leads to correct output but nowpointer still moves. Fixed.
* Timeline: Timeline: Clip right-click menu: unified naming.
* Timeline: Timeline Export. Color resources were invisible in exported file. Fixed.
* Timeline: Timeline: Newly created layer from dropped resource in workspace is inited correctly regarding home screen and screen groups.
* Timeline: Move to top at play with changeable delay to avoid flashing if newly started timeline is not preloaded.
* Timeline: Trigger Cues: Triggering Playing Timeline to pause at its current time leads to correct output but Nowpointer still moves.
* Timeline: Trigger Cues: Setting Cue, that triggers playing timeline to pause at current Time, to ignore failes.
* Timeline: Dominant Values. When only X or Y scale is set via preview, output vanishes after execution of jump cue.

* Effects: Effects which are added between 2.0.66 and 2.0.139 are not found when project is opened in version 2.0.202 or newer.
* Resources: Initial value for auto update of file versions is not overridden by folder anymore.
* Workspace: Not all preview cameras can be deleted.
* Screengroup: Screen group color is used for perspectives in inner compositing again. Outer compositing does not offer
* Assets: Fixed not creating all assets for file versions leading to problems.
* Services: Fixed accidental deletion of void storage and mismatch with utility storage, causing multiple assets and wrong transfer behaviour.
* GUI: Fixed showing "Pending" for local cahce asstes that should not be distributed
* GUI: Resizing problem in timeline library fixed.
* Services: Fixed setting incomplete cahe path, causing mismatch in path after restart between utility and local live system
* Live Systems: Fixed possible id mismatch of storages after application restart, causing "Default Cache Drive" to be empty



* API: Added API method blockAllUiTimelineUpdates(.).
* API: Added set/getColor for cues.
* API: Added function getCuesSelected.
* API: Create commands are distributed via multi user.
* API: Direct API: Rotation parameter values can be set in degrees.
* API: Jump to position of object in Unreal scene. Yaw rotation of object is also adopted.

* Assets: Fixed wrong identification if resource is from custom asset root in file versioning.
* Assets: If distribution conflict exists between "Distribute on Import" and "Needed Services" files originating from NAS will be locally cached. A warning will be shown too if this conflict exists.

* Backup: Matrix always taken into account on usage transfer (including from presets), settings reordered, trigger backup button added.
* Backup: Output activation at usage transfer takes matrix into account.
* Backup: Transfer configuration dialog is modal.
* Backup: Explanation shown to user when transfer can not be configured. "Configure Transfer" button moved to bottom of backup settings.

* Control: Page removal provides the options to keep the modules in the project tree, move them to another page or remove them along with the page.
* Control: Set connection state on startup to offline.
* Control: Refresh of list in property builder fixed.

* DMX: Mapped values for DMX can be flipped.
* DMX: Params for interpolation of opacity, volume, transformation and fx params per layer.
* DMX: Fixed not checking for redundant resource assignment reset which caused constant updates and led to wrong blending.
* DMX: Fixed wrong calculation of scale all axis parameter.
* DMX: Fixed auto patch problems.
* DMX: Brushed DMX Patch window: Auto Patch can be turned off, auto patch will be triggered by patching/unpatching param, trigger autopatch from context menu, option for export of only selected layers.
* DMX: Fixed missing activation groups entries, led to crash in GMA3.
* DMX: Non-integer frames corrected when creating cues and in remaining.
* DMX: Fixed wrong serializing of DMX info for interpolation time params.

* Deltacast Input: Local clock can be set to drop frame in UI.
* Deltacast Input: Update to 6.26 SDK

* Engine: Explicitly make preview stream unsynchronized to allow engine to sync to windows compositor if not fullscreen outputs are active.
* Engine: Command line arguments are written to log.
* Engine: Unreal update interval can be set.
* Engine: Text rendering interprets tab character as four spaces.
* Engine: Possible full screen activation problems fixed (problems first appeared in 2.1.95).
* Engine: Dominant value interpolate from current value.

* GUI: Notification cells can be clicked to show full description in pop up window.
* GUI: Auto Transformation dialog: Label values can be changed by drag. Update speed improved.
* GUI: Renamed "Custom Content Root" to "Custom Asset Root".
* GUI: Fixed a crash which happened when entering non digit value into DMX patch window.
* GUI: Preview camera's near clipping plane set to 1.0 to reduce possible z-fighting.
* GUI: Fixed crash when show/hide timeline button in Control UI.
* GUI: On start up empty project can be enforced by command line parameter ("-emptyProject").
* GUI: Folder and Asset inspector with collapsible components.

* Live Input: Live inputs with audio reliably initialized again.
* Live Input: Input stream shows active state in tree node.
* Live Input: Deinterlacer settings for Decklink inputs.

* Mapping: Marker Calibration: Color and size of markers on output can be changed. Visibility of selected marker improved. 2d and 3d position of marker can be edited in the Inspector.
* Mapping: Marker calibration available for 2d objects consisting of points only.

* Multi User: Fixed issues with the combination of custom asset root, file version, and Multi User by always distributing all versions of a file to Multi User clients.
* Multi User: Tweak to enable incremental update mode change via button in top bar.
* Multi User: Mapping properties were not distributed with incremental updates in certain situations. Fixed.
* Multi User: Mesh resource assignment to a layer is distributed correctly with incremental updates.
* Multi User: Fixed renaming folders upon import.

* Notch: Internal time parameter for multi layer Notch compositing layer fixed. Broken in 2.1 due to work on timeline parameters for render engine extensions.

* Resources: Folder for models now offers multi user and distribution controls in inspector.
* Resources: Watch folder: Delete file handled.
* Resources: Watch folder option in resource library added.
* Resources: Resource encryption no longer hidden behind dev feature.
* Resources: Resource versioning changes are applied to multi selection.
* Resources: Fixed audio extraction for files in custom asset root.
* Resources: Revealed resource ensures library visibility.
* Resources: Fixed video resource that was replaced by image sequence not having any assets anymore.
* Resources: More strict file accessibility check for watch folder import.
* Resources: Resources can be transcoded from within context menu and will be added as new version if there is no filetype mismatch.

* Timeline: Dominant Values. Playback change or nowpointer repositioning cancelled delayed change. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Values. Delayed value changes started from 0 instead of current curve defined value when entering dominant state. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Resource: After resource change (non-audio to audio video), the new one does not restart, even with activated dev feature "Dominant Resource Change Resets Time". Old fix in 2.1.135 was not complete. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dominant Resource: After resource change, the new one does not restart. Fixed.
* Timeline: Timeline: Clip right-click menu: unified naming.
* Timeline: Timeline: Newly created layer from dropped resource in workspace is invited correctly regarding home screen and screen groups.
* Timeline: Timeline: Keyframes. For clips with small layer height it was impossible to resize via end of clip dragging. Fixed.
* Timeline: Timeline Export. Colour resources were invisible in exported file. Fixed.
* Timeline: Dynamic render order change: Reset render order if property is disabled for timeline which is currently rendered on top.
* Timeline: Dynamic render order change: Timeline triggered by cue is moved to top.
* Timeline: Dynamic render order change: Reset render order if property is disabled for timeline which is currently rendered on top.
* Timeline: SMPTE. Relative changes of Hot Region TC Time resulted in wrong times. Fixed.
* Timeline: Trigger cues: fade duration of timeline to trigger on current time has no effect. Fixed.
* Timeline: Trigger cues: triggering playing timeline to pause at its current time leads to correct output but nowpointer still moves. Fixed.
* Timeline: Wrong check which generated misleading log messages removed.
* Timeline: Move to top at play: Visualize current state in timeline library.

* Unreal: Process of packaged Unreal Engine project can be stopped.
* Unreal: Jump to position of object in Unreal scene. Yaw rotation of object is also adopted.
* Unreal: Unreal layer fixed. Broken in 2.1 due to work on timeline parameters for render engine extensions.

* Service: Freeze displays button visualizes current state.
* Service: Identify outputs: outputs which were activated for identification are deactivated again when identification is disabled.
* Studio Camera: OCIO can be loaded for studio camera mappings.

* Screens: Bulk replace for 3d objects.
* Screens: Change "Selective Target Rendering" to "Texture per Screen" if VIOSO or MPCDI 2D calibration is loaded.








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