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ArtNet/sACN DMX Input Patching in version 25.1

 10 Minutes



This guide describes how to control the Timeline in PIXERA via ArtNet or sACN.

This article deals with the native integration and not the control solution.

The article is a revision as of versions 2.1.xx and above, as the patching has been re-worked.

For version 2.0.xx and below, please see the original article here: ArtNet/sACN DMX Patching version 2.0 and below

See also Timeline Output Patching Artnet / sACN DMX 

API Setup - activating the ArtNet/sACN input


To enable ArtNet/sACN input patching, you must enable the API input first.

Go to the settings page and choose sub tab API.



Make sure that either ArtNet or sACN is selected on one of the three API inputs. The port will be set automatically according to the protocol. As of version 2.1, you can define which network adapter the API input will receive its data from.

Accessing of the Patch Window


To access the patch window, select a Layer or a Timeline, so its parameters can be a selected in the Inspector in the Setup tab.

The Timeline Inspector has no sub-tabs so you will find the DMX patch right in the main inspector.

Choose the DMX Patch menu to open it.


The Inspector offers two buttons:

1. Patch Layer for opening the patch window for individual patching or patch changes.
2. Auto Patch Layer for an automatic patching of all parameters of that chosen Layer or Timeline. Choosing Auto Patch will patch all parameters of the chosen Timeline/Layer to the next available Sub-Net/Universe/Address.


Using the “Auto Patch Layer” button on a new Layer will patch all parameters. Changing the Layer structure, adding FX for example, and hitting the “Auto Patch Layer” button again, will not include the added FX. Please add/edit/exclude parameters in the patch window.


Working in the Patch Window


Depending on the route you have chosen to access the patch window, the patch window will present either the Timeline or Layer tab.

Switch from Layer to Timeline via selecting the according tabs:

Timeline view:

Layer view:


Click on the triangle to navigate to the parameters of your chosen Layer/Timeline:


These little icons on the bottom of the patch table will close (-) or expand (+) all objects in the patch table with a single click:

Auto Patching Modes


At the bottom of the patch window, you will find the “Auto Patching Mode” setting:

Auto Patch Mode “Always”:


Set the Auto Patching Mode to “Always” if you want a consecutive numbering of your addresses in your patch. Selecting and Deselecting parameters will update the patch and change the addresses accordingly.

Auto Patch Mode “Disabled”:


If Auto Patch Mode is set to “Disabled”, changing parameter patches will not auto update the addresses of the following parameters.

Use “Disabled” if you need full manual control over your address patching

Use the checkboxes to select the parameters you would like to patch or exclude from the patch.

Multiselect on Parameters

Multiselect is available for all parameters that you would like to select/deselect


Either give the parameters individual addresses by entering individual Net/Sub-Net/Universe/Address for each parameter, or enter a base Net/Sub-Net/Universe/Address for a Layer/Timeline then right click and choose “Auto Patch”. All selected parameters are now patched in a consecutive numbering of the addresses.

Patch All Parameters Via Selecting Auto Patch


  1. Set Auto Patch Mode to “Always”.
  2. Set “Patched” on the Layer/Timeline you want to patch.
  3. Right-click on the Layer/Timeline and choose “Auto Patch”, all parameters should be selected and patched.
  4. change base address on the Layer, the Net/Sub-Net/Universe/Address will update on all patched parameters accordingly.

Editing the Patching of a Layer/Timeline


Editing your patch can be done via checking/unchecking of the “patched” checkbox to either include or exclude parameters from the patch.

Depending on the Auto Patch Mode, all following channels are either changed to consecutive channel addresses or left unchanged. 

Multiselect is available for this action! Edit parameters such as address, resolution (8/16 Bit), and mapped min and mapped max on each parameter individually as needed.

Editing using Auto Patch


(Change setting to Auto Patch “Always” for instant adjustment, without the right click)

Editing without Auto Patch


(Setting Auto Patch Mode to “Disabled”)


Parameter Resolution:
Either 8 or 16Bit with value ranges of 255 steps in 8 Bit or 65535 steps in 16 Bit. Can be changed from the parameter default in some cases. For example parameter Cues > default 8 Bit, can be changed to 16 Bit

Mapped Min/Mapped Max:
Defines the range inside PIXERA. The opacity parameter, for example, has a value range of 0 to 1 in PIXERA. The 16 Bit DMX data will be mapped to the Mapped Min of 0 and Mapped Max of 1. The opacity interpolation, for example ranges from 0-5000. Mapped Min/Max values represent Milliseconds, resulting in a 5000 Millisecond range. The Mapped Min/Max values can be manually changed in the patch if needed

Once you are happy with your patch, hit the “OK” button to initiate the DMX patch:


Patched Layers that are receiving DMX data will be marked with an DMX icon.
Click the DMX icon to mute the DMX input.


Exporting the Patch/Fixture


The patching Table can be exported as XML, GDTF, or as a GrandMA 2 fixture. 


The XML Table export will generate an HTML page with an overview of all patched channels and their values. This HTML page is a great reference for value ranges such as transport modes etc.

Do Not Use the XML to Import Data Into Your Console!

The XML is our structure to represent/create the HTML table that serves as a patch guideline for the lighting desk operator. As every manufacturer has their own XML data structure, this will lead to unwanted results if this is directly loaded into the console.




GDTF will export the fixture to a file that can be read by various lighting manufacturers. The GDTF itself describes the fixture and does not include the absolute patch to Universe/Address in PIXERA. The start address for the given fixture must be set during patching of the GDTF fixture in the console. 

Please see the section Workflows/Do's and Dont's for further information on GDTF.


GrandMA 2:

This will export the patch in a GrandMA 2 readable format. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH GRANDMA 3!

Start the export either via the "Export All" or “Export selected” buttons:

  • “Export All” will export all Layers or Timelines patched in the patch window, depending on the tab that is currently active. 
    • PLEASE NOTE: “Export All” will not export Layers AND Timelines in one step.
  • “Export Selected” will export the selected Layers/Timelines in the patch window. When there is no Layer or Timeline selected, nothing will be exported.


Hit “OK” or “Cancel” to close the patch window, with “OK” confirming the changes and “Cancel” discarding them.

An Example of an XML/HTML exported page that references your patch can be downloaded below.

The HTML (printed and presented as PDF here) will describe the value ranges in detail. 

Basic Layer structure

Basic Timeline structure 


All patched parameters are now ready to be remotely controlled from the lighting console/DMX software as shown here with the sACN viewer.
The DMX icon will appear once a layer/parameter is receiving DMX data. Click the DMX icon to mute the DMX input.

Parameter and attribute description (selection)



- play/pause/stop, Ignore next Cue, Jump to next Cue of a given Timeline.

- Recalls and sets the now pointer on the chosen Cue of the patched Timeline. By default set to 8 bit, can be changed to 16 bit for more Cues that need to be patched on that Timeline. The now pointer will react to the Cue play state in PIXERA. Send a play command if you need to override the state. 


The cue DMX ID is defined by the cue number in the cue inspector, not the “label”



Cue Fade Duration 
- Sets a fade in time to the recalled Cue.

- Currently not used!

- Opacity of that given Timeline.

TC Offset H  
- TC offset sets an offset to the incoming SMPTE timecode settings of the Timeline. This corresponds to the “General Offset” setting in the Timeline inspector setting “SMPTE”. H sets the hour offset parameters.

TC Offset M 
- Will set the minutes offset.

TC Offset S 
- Will set the seconds offset.

TC Offset F 
- Will set the frames offset.

Layer (basic):

Mute DMX 
- All parameters that are patched to DMX can be muted to temporarily disengage the DMX patch. Please check the XML/HTML example above for all detailed parameters.

Resource Assignment (Folder ID/Resource ID/Fade Duration)
 - This needs the folders and resources in the “Compositing/Resources” tree to have IDs. Please assign all IDs before using this patch.

Folder patch:


Media patch:


Use the “Batch Assign DMX IDs” button to assign all assets in the given folder.

Now you can recall media directly to a Layer as a “dominant” resource. Use the Transport Commands and all parameters below to interact with the dominant resource.

Mesh Assignment (Mesh Folder ID/MeshID)
- Set IDs to all 3D objects in your Models Folder, just as described above for patching media assets. 

Opacity Interpolation Time
- The interpolation defines a time in which a fade is applied between two incoming values, opacity in this case. The duration of the fade between the incoming values can be set from 0-5000 milliseconds. Use this if you experience anomalies in which the incoming values seem to jump over time. 

- The Dimmer of the Layer.

Blend Mode
- Set the blend mode of your Layer. Please see the “Basic Layer Patch” chart link above for detailed listing of the blend modes. 

Screen Presence
- Sets the “Screen Presence” setting of a Layer.

Home Screen
- Sets the “Home Screen” setting of a Layer.

Volume Interpolation Time
- The interpolation defines a time in which a fade is applied between two incoming values, volume in this case. The duration of the fade between the incoming values can be set from 0-5000 milliseconds. Use this if you experience anomalies in which the incoming values seem to jump over time. 

- Sets the audio volume of the Layer.

Transport (Playback Speed/Inpoint/Outpoint)
- Transport sets the Pause, Play Once, Play Looped, and Stop values of a dominant media asset.
- Playback Speed sets the playback speed of the dominant asset.
- Inpoint/Outpoint sets the frame count the media asset is played from/played to.

Please see the “Basic Layer Patch” chart link above for detailed listing of the parameters.

Transformation Interpolation Time
- The interpolation defines a time in which a fade is applied between two incoming values, in this case for Position, Rotation, Scale Factor and Size. The duration of the fade between the incoming values can be set from 0-5000 milliseconds. Use this if you experience anomalies in which the incoming values seem to jump over time. 

Position X/Y/Z
- Sets the position of your media asset in X/Y/Z .

Rotation X/Y/Z
- Sets the rotation of your media asset in X/Y/Z.

Scale Factor
- Set the scale factor if you want to maintain your aspect ratio when resizing your content. This emulates linking the width and height sizing parameter of a Layer.

Size W/H/D
- Sets the size parameter of a Layer.


Workflows/Do's and Dont's


Snapping/Using fade time in Lighting Desk Cues

Some values inside PIXERA, such as Cues, Play Modes, and Resource Assignment for example, are not meant to be faded. Recalling a Play Mode for a Timeline for example and setting a fade time inside the lighting console can cause the Timeline to receive multiple values and play modes. This can lead to all kind of issues such as playback stuttering and out of sync playback.

 - Create Cues in the lighting console without fade times for the according parameters.
 - Set the according parameters of the fixture to “snap” to the next value, thus ignoring the fade of the lighting console Cues by jumping to the next value.


The idea of GDTF is to create a unified definition for the exchange of data/fixtures for the operation of intelligent luminaires. By exporting a GDTF file you export a fixture that can be imported into the lighting console. This does not include the absolute DMX patch such as SubNet, Universe and Address. This must be patched manually upon importing the fixture into your lighting console show file. However, the fixture does include all parameters to be readily included into your show. 


At the time of writing ETC EOS, Chamsys, GrandMA 3 consoles are compatible with GDTF import.

 - Snapping:
The snapping descriptions of parameters are included in the GDTF. If you experience unwanted behavior of fading/snapping, please check your imported fixture and change the value if needed.

- Value Interpretation (Percent/Physical/Decimal8 etc):
Value range interpretation IS NOT a part of the GDTF description (at least not yet at the time of writing this article). We have mapped the naming schemes to suit the naming schemes of GDTF/GrandMA 3 to map parameter/attribute definitions as much as we can. Unfortunely we have experienced some inconsistencies in the interpretation. Please check the attribute definitions/natural readout setting in your lighting console/patch sheet if you experience unwanted value ranges.
Setting the natural readout in your console to “physical” should do the trick for all parameters.

Attribute Definition View in Grand MA 3 with natural reaqdout changed to “Physical”:

Unknown/ Non-Standard Parameters

Parameters that are unknown to the GDTF/lighting console structures will most likely be interpreted with snapping turned off and as value in percent. Please change this accordingly inside your attribute definition inside your console! 


Sending a Value a Second Time Without a Value Change in Between


DMX data will be sent constantly across all parameters, even if no change to a parameter is applied. Thus the receiving end, in this case PIXERA, will need to ignore values that have been received before but contain no value change. This may require techniques to send, for example, two Timeline play commands following each other.

Solution (example):

- After sending a play Cue set another auto follow Cue that resets the Timeline play command to some unused value such as 255. By using the default value nothing should change within PIXERA playback scope. 

- have a Macro/Preset at hand that clears the programmer of the given fixture to default values

Sending a parameter by value change may lead to issues if cues need to be skipped

Parameters such as a play command will have a value range. Transport mode Timeline “Play” ranges from value 10 to 19. You can use alternating play command values from Cue to Cue if you want to send play commands successively.
You must be aware that this method will fail if, for some reason, you need to jump a cue in your main cue list!

Please be aware that this method may be dangerous! 



Using FX on a Layer/Multi Effects


FX's can be patched to a Layer as needed. The Multi FX are specially designed for Console remoting workflows as those are basically empty containers.

The first parameter loads and defines which FX is loaded into the Multi FX. Patch this to the console, browse the FX and program the needed FX along with the given parameter set into your Cue lists.

The Multi FX's come with a pre defined set of parameters. Use the four/eight/fourteen parameter version of the multi effect, the parameters will be patched top to bottom until all parameters are patched or no more parameters in the multi effect are available.  

The Multi FX can be found in “Resources/Effects/Multi”.

Storing a PIXERA Channel as a Template


Select a Layer in the Timeline and set up your FX's in such a way that your Layer reflects your standard setup. Set DMX patching in the patch window.

Right-click on your Layer name and choose “Export Template”. The Layer is now exported on disk. Now new Layers can be created by right-clicking and choosing “Add Layer>From Template”

Generate DMX IDs for Folder and Resources on Import


If you want to recall media clips on a Layer, the resources need a DMX ID for folders and one for the media resource. Setting the ID's can be automated in the settings. Go to “Settings/Initial Values/DMX” and hit checkbox next to the “Generate Dmx ID for Folders and Resources on import” setting. Now ID's for Folders and media resources are automatically created in a contiguous fashion.

Enable CITP Thumbnail Exchange


CITP thumbnail exchange is now available. Go to “Settings/General/DMX” to enable CITP Thumbnail exchange. Choose the CITP Network Adapter that connects to the subnet on which the console is listening for CITP communication.

CITP thumbnail exchange has not been implemented on the GrandMA 3 software as of writing this article!

Setting Up New Layers Automatically with Default Color FX and Layer FX


In “Settings/Initial Values”, you are able to define FX's that extend the basic Layer setup when a new Layer is created. Choose and add FX's that should be added to each following created Layer.

Remote controlling Cues via PIXERA Control MA and EOS modules


If you just want to recall Cues from your MA or EOS console, you should take a look at the PIXERA CONTROL Modules “EOS Timeline” and “GrandMA2MSC”. These allow a direct patch so a given PIXERA Timeline will follow the console Cues.

DMX Patch Table


As discussed previously, the best way to create the patch table for you PIXERA version in use is to export your patch as XML. Two files will be created: the XML and an HTML page. Open up the HTML and you will have the most recent patch table for the PIXERA version that is currently in use.



In the “API” tab in the settings, you can use the button “Show Network Activity” to display which API inputs and outputs are currently active.

  • “Tx Bytes” Represents bytes sent.
  • "Rx Bytes" Represents bytes received.

If an API Output/Input does not receive or send any bytes, this means that the wrong adapter may be selected, at least the data will not be captured by PIXERA:


Input and output values can be checked with Artnetominator and sACNViewer as an example:


Pixera 2.1.159 | .January 2024 | O.K.

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