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Changelog 1.8

 73 Minutes

 1 Like


Pixera 1.8.347 
 1 jan 24


* Fixes: Several Fixes from 2.0 in 1.8

Pixera 1.8.337 
 20 Feb 24


* Brush: Licensing: Version 1.8 and 2.0 license working.


* Fix: GUI: Fixed not showing bundling dialog during bundling operation.

Pixera 1.8.330 
 23 OCT 23


* Brush: Timeline: Horizontal auto scroll. Better performance when dragging right clip ends to the right of the timeline.
* Brush: Timeline: Performance improvements for updating key frames after notch block replacement.

* Brush: Control: SystemTime change is detected and Control timer is notified.
* Brush: Control: Remote views show action execution reporting.
* Brush: Control: Remote views can be used as address roots in action scripts (project name as first part of address no longer needed).
* Brush: Control: Remote views offered in UI builder menus.
* Brush: Control: Referred-to systems of remote views shown in Control/Live tree labels.

* Brush: Presence: Optional enforce sync option added to presence to ensure sync with certain EDIDs. Option can be enabled in presence_config.txt.
* Brush: Presence: Optional enforce sync option enabled by default.

* Brush: MPCDI: Profile 3d determines projector orientation and uses geometryWarpFileas distortion map.
* Brush: MPCDI: Reset calibration added.

* Brush: Color: Ocio Aces configs added to installer.
* Brush: GUI: Multi selection in fixture channel table.
* Brush: API: More infos from getJsomnStructure available.
* Brush: Screen: Base transformation for object import: Texture coordinates can be inverted.
* Brush: CEF: Cef commandline switch support by file (cefArgs.cfg), includes forwarding to render engine.
* Brush: Mapping: MVR: Import uses also fixtureId attribute to distinguish between fixtures.


* Fix: Engine: Wrong sync group settings for NDI outputs fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Sync settings for output preview streams corrected.
* Fix: Engine: Art-Net: Sequence number is now incremented per frame.
* Fix: Engine: Notch: Clear of render target corrected for blocks with alpha. 
* Fix: Engine: Audio: Possible crackling on preload fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Art-Net: Error in line offset for 16bit values corrected.
* Fix: Engine: Spout or NDI outputs in free run fixed if no GPU output is active.
* Fix: Engine: Decklink HDMI input fixed (bad alloc error).
* Fix: Mapping: MPCDI: Warp and blend for 3d and SL profile corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: MPCDI: Automatic distribution of distortion map fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Fixed creation of DMX info for feeds when loading fixtures.
* Fix: Mapping: Export feed to csv with corrected number of columns.

* Fix: GUI: Fixed crash when trying to group nodes without selection.
* Fix: GUI: Remove "Optimize Mesh" from context menu.
* Fix: GUI: Layer: Do not start drag operation when text is selected in label editor.

* Fix: Resource: Resources can be added again. Bug was introduced in previous version.
* Fix: Resource: Detected color space displayed in resource inspector corrected.
* Fix: Resource: Notch: Replace Notch block updates also compositing layers without clips
* Fix : Resource: Web Resource fixed. CEF version changed to 109.0.5414.87.

* Fix: Control: More robust connection and view establishment between systems in Control group.
* Fix: Control: Remotely editing actions triggers full update in remote system even if remote Pixera module was renamed.
* Fix: Control: Remote Pixera instance handles (e.g. for timelines, resources) work in action scripts (a view of the remote Pixera module must be present       in the project).
*Fix: Control: Remote project names no longer shown in UI builder API menu.

* Fix: API: Direct API: Paramter values can be changed for all transport heads. Fixes problems after jump.
* Fix: DMX: Fixture Import: Fixed not loading encoding from json.
* Fix: Notch: Possible crash in render engine fixed when reloading block.
* Fix: Workspace: Clicking multiple times on navigation cube or icon to show all objects does not change the view.
* Fix: Timeline: Infinite horizontal auto scroll when dragging clip ends on multiple layers. Fixed.

Pixera 1.8.302
 03 AUG 23


* Fix: Screen: Possible crash fixed when led shader is activated
* Fix: Mapping: LED Updates fixed
* Fix: Mapping: Projector aspect ration of projector assigned to output can not be changed by changing resolution
* Fix: GUI: More informations in log.
* Fix: Engine: Dropped frames caused by activated preview in compositing of Input cards fixed 

Pixera 1.8.298 
 26 JUL 23



* Brush: Mapping: Fixture input from JSON is applied to multi-selection.
* Brush: Mapping: Universe range filtering for art-net output streams.
* Brush: Mapping: Avoid crash in inspector when trying to update combobox which was already destroyed.

* Brush: Timeline: Double click in clip on folder area toggles openness state.
* Brush: Timeline: Layer context menu brushed. Duplicate layer options added and possibility to remove all effects.
* Brush: Timeline: Unloading timeline performance in UI improved.
* Brush: Timeline: Performance improved when preparing key value snapping.
* Brush: Timeline: Compositing layer screen presence can be controlled with screen group mechanisms of normal layer.

* Brush: Control: DirectNetworkOsc module for OSC input to DirectAPI.
* Brush: Control: Domination representation of direct API parameter value changes.
* Brush: Control: More info in module update comparison dialog.
* Brush: Control: UIB: Background color changed to Pixera color.
* Brush: Control: Connect Pixera parameters to Control actions via context menu.
* Brush: Control: Refresh button and action for properties.
* Brush: Control: Show path if module has aux directory.
* Brush: Control: Multi-range module optimized.
* Brush: Control: Added arguments to optional actions.

* Brush: API: sequencePositionChangedManually added to monitoring.
* Brush: API: If cue is applied transport mode change will be sent.
* Brush: API: Multi-Resource: Commands to add, remove and change settings.
* Brush: API: Added commands to move resource to folder and to get file path of resource.
* Brush: API: New API commands createTimeline, distribute, getKeyFramesAsJsonString.
* Brush: API: Set/get layer offsets.
* Brush: API: Added getCueInfosAsJsonString.
* Brush: API: Get position, rotation, scale for screens added.

* Brush: GUI: Shortcut changed: Create new feeds with shift + doubleclick. Added shift to avoid unwanted feed creation.
* Brush: GUI: User notifications can be reviewed in Settings/Help.
* Brush: GUI: Display of user notifications containing line breaks improved.

* Brush: Unreal: Unreal entities have now a separate unique object and display name.
* Brush: Unreal: Control unreal variables from within Pixera
* Brush: Unreal: Relative camera controls (limited to rotation around Y axis).

* Brush: Engine: Target bit depth can be selected in screen inspector.
* Brush: Engine: Target clear can be disabled. Can be used as motion blur in combination with reduced timeline opacity.

* Brush: CEF: CEF updated to version 113.0.5672.63.
* Brush: CEF: Changed DPI Scaling (Zoomlevel with log).
* Brush: Notch: Notch block preload performance improved. More blocks can be prloaded in parallel.
* Brush: Database: LED database updated.
* Brush: DMX: Net can be patched in timeline in layer.
* Brush: Hub: New hub version close Pixera and Presence gracefully.
* Brush: Licensing: Pixera 2.0 license change testable.
* Brush: Vioso: Feathering options can be set in screen inspector.
* Brush: Effects: Directional blur added.
* Brush: Licensing: Eula updated to explicitly cover functionality extensions via Control modules.
* Brush: Workspace: Use shortcut ('1' - '5') to switch between preview cameras.
* Brush: NDI: NDI output sync can be enabled for streams.
* Brush: Notch: Preload Notch blocks permanently also when stopping timeline.
* Brush: Screen Groups: Remove screen from screen group fixed.
* Brush: Vioso: Support for version 6 VWF files.
* Brush: Workspace: Test pattern texture rendered with mip maps in workspace.
* Brush: GUI: Brushed controls for relative camera offset in compositing layer inspector.
* Brush: Project: Warning added when a project is opened with version oriented towards 2.0.
* Brush: Audio: Selected audio driver can be set to "None" to remove all audio ports.


* Fix: GUI: Possible crash fixed. Crash happened most often when editing mapping feeds.
* Fix: GUI: Ability to edit Art-Net fps in inspector fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Windows dpi awareness fixed after CEF update.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash on startup fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash in compositing inspector fixed when value in label was changed by mouse drag.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash caused by font rendering in menus/dialogs avoided.
* Fix: GUI: Timelines not loaded from project if other project was loaded before and timeline library was visible. Fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed "Remember My Choice" functionality in image sequence import dialog.
* Fix: GUI: Incorrect search label presentation fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed giving folders wrong usage description upon drag & drop import, leading to missing options in context menu.
* Fix: GUI: Initial value of default resource import behavior will be reset once after previous bug always set it to don't ask again.

* Fix: Timeline: Video export fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger cue time was wrong if triggered timeline had different fps.
* Fix: Timeline: Shortcut for seq event joint kind is applied to multi selection and toggles also to stepped kind.
* Fix: Timeline: Control compositing layer transformation (if not screen-aligned) from inspector.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline in time code receive mode takes hot region state for all input decisions into account.
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger time for timeline or cue was wrong for timelines with different fps. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Sync of text resource update improved.

* Fix: Resource: Unnecessary file distribution occured in some situations. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Audio resource distribution to clients fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Live input resource initialization from first stream more complete.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed always distributing videos to local.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed wrong check for file existence.
* Fix: Resource: Unneeded assets were not removed if storage was not available anymore. Fixed.

* Fix: Control: Library path changes immediately in inspector after change in dialog.
* Fix: Control: Crash when trying to group nodes which have a circular connection fixed.
* Fix: Control: UI Title property removed on UI remove.
* Fix: Control: Fixed offset of artnetUniOut.

* Fix: Workspace: Possible crash due to OpenGL update in wrong thread fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Generic engine controls are not rendered into screen texture.
* Fix: Workspace: Test pattern is not projected anymore.

* Fix: Unreal: Fixed not sending keyframed values and min and max values of double/float params.
* Fix: Unreal: Unreal Command: Fixed customCmdLineArgs string generation.

* Fix: Mapping: Inner softedge view with less resets when switching mapping modes.
* Fix: Mapping: View on warp does not reset on engine resize.
* Fix: Mapping: Channel order corrected in fixture import from GDTF.
* Fix: Mapping: Destination position of feeds on output can be moved by mouse drag again.
* Fix: Mapping: Feed export to csv fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Soft edge generation restored.

* Fix: Engine: Browser Resource: Fixed texture sharing with web resources.
* Fix: Engine: Deltacast Integration: Corrected reporting of input dimensions (including for interlaced streams).
* Fix: Engine: Decklink Integration: Reporting of current input mode and format.
* Fix: Engine: Deltacast: HDMI Audio temporarily deactivated to avoid crash.

* Fix: Notification: Unneeded message "video stream not found" no longer shown in notifications.
* Fix: Licensing: Support for earlier license versions restored.
* Fix: Licensing: Presence beta accepts older licenses again.
* Fix: Hub Integration: Pixera and Presence closed correctly from hub.
* Fix: Screen Groups: Updates to wrong screen groups fixed.
* Fix: Node GUI: Issues resolved when grouping nodes with hidden slots and completely unconnected nodes.
* Fix: LTC: Several timing fixes.
* Fix: DMX: Control channel output fixed when feeds were created by auto transformation or copy and paste.
* Fix: Service: Possible problems when activating stream outputs (e.g. NDI) fixed.
* Fix: Inspector: Blend mode controls were not always visible when selection changes between layers. Fixed.
* Fix: Service: Service manifestation after engine restart fixed.

Pixera 1.8.259
 05 MAY 23



* Fix: Audio: Audio device and module selection fixed for local service with loopback IP address.
* Fix: Engine: Generation of preview images fixed.

Pixera 1.8.258 
 27 APR 23



* Brush: Mapping: Interface elements for DMX fixture editing brushed.
* Brush: Mapping: DMX output fixture description can be im-/exported from/to JSON file. 
* Brush: Mapping: For DMX output high universe numbers can be entered which are split up to universe, subnet and net.

* Brush: Timeline: Order of effects assigned to layer can be changed.
* Brush: Timeline: Fade mode "Fade In Fade Out" added to avoid dip in brightness happening on cross fade.

* Brush: Engine: Optimized buffer allocation for HAP/NotchLC.
* Brush: Engine: Resetting clients when director reconnects. Clients continue playback if connection is lost. 
* Brush: Engine: Added AV1 support.

* Brush: Unreal: Unreal performance properties in Control JSON.

* Brush: GUI: Output-related performance values (frame rate, incomplete and dropped frames) shown in Live System inspector and made available to Control.

* Brush: Control: Control properties can be grouped so that the inspector shows them within a collapsible folder ("Group" column in property builder).
* Brush: Control: Control UI Builder brushes, e.g. API Browser as default, more complete code completion in scripting window, better organization of inspector properties
* Brush: Control: Heartbeat send moved to independent thread to avoid false lost detection on heartbeat recipients with short timeouts.

* Brush: Preview: Preview camera can send out NDI stream.
* Brush: Screen: Output mapping updates during mouse gesture can be enabled.
* Brush: API: Timeline.blendToTime with delay parameter.
* Brush: Presence: Presence can be launched minimized by adding '--minimized' as a startup argument.
* Brush: Licensing: Demo renamed "Creator" (including watermark).
* Brush: Live Input: Sync group can be set for multiple streams of the same device. Available for Deltacast, Datapath and Decklink input cards.
* Brush: Workspace: GUI timeout reduced when waiting for render engine sync to avoid frozen application.


* Fix: Resource: Problems with file names containing characters '+' and '^' fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Show File in Explorer' hidden in context menu for internal resources.

* Fix: Workspace: Wrong pan direction corrected if eye point has negative z pos.
* Fix: DMX: Ignore next cue' over DMX corrected.
* Fix: Control: Opened property groups show all members when inspector is loaded again.
* Fix: Mapping: DMX fixture editing errors fixed. Errors in project serialization introduced in version 1.8.247 fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Memory leaks fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Possible crash when adding UE entity to timeline fixed.
* Fix: API: Avoid crash when changing heartbeat ports.


Pixera 1.8.246 
22 Mar 23



* Brush: Engine: More information written to log if engine is running out of memory.
* Brush: Engine: Memory consumption of NotchLC videos without alpha channel reduced.
* Brush: Engine: Graphic device enumeration for laptops with integrated and dedicated GPUs 
* Brush: Engine: Number of frames loaded in GPU parallelly limited to 8. Number of decoded frames in RAM still settable for each resource.
* Brush: Engine: Load factor of video decoder maximized by sending maximum number of packets.
* Brush: Engine: Precision of 10 bit BT2020 YUV to RGB conversion increased.
* Brush: Engine: Deltacast SDI 10bit input implemented. SDI out HDR signaling implemented.
* Brush: Engine: Deltacast SDI output genlock can be enabled.
* Brush: Engine: Deltacast output genlock detects used clock system automatically (e.g. dropped frame).
* Brush: Engine: Resource management for frame upload under heavy load improved leading to better playback performance.
* Brush: Engine: Deltacast output genlock detects used clock system automatically (e.g. dropped frame).

* Brush: Timeline: Ignore next cue with specific operation added.
* Brush: Timeline: Screen aligned layer: z-position in clip space can be set by user to move them behind normal layers.
* Brush: Timeline: Performance improvement when loading many clips and/or events.
* Brush: Timeline: Multi fx. Fx selection node shows dropdown box with listed fx names instead of pure numbers.
* Brush: Timeline: Min, max and default values of standard timeline parameters can be set in json file.
* Brush: Timeline: Pause-before-jump option for jump cues.
* Brush: Timeline: Cues can be displayed in custom color.

* Brush: Resource: Color resource values can be set as floating point number. Color space can be changed
* Brush: Resource: More differentiated selection of the default behavior when importing files that may be part of an image sequence.

* Brush: GUI: Controls for resource distribution settings in folder inspector brushed.
* Brush: GUI: Fx inspector controls with dropdown.
* Brush: GUI: Control and Output Routing: Node selection by shortcuts improved. Selection can follow selected nodes. 

* Brush: Notch: Ensure that invalid projects due to Notch-block-replacement bug recover correctly when loaded.
* Brush: Notch: Support blocks without exposed layer. Added information to block-loading-failed popup.

* Brush: Perspective: Perspective z-rotation can be edited in inspector.
* Brush: Perspective: Perspective projection can be mirrored.

* Brush: Color: Defined by Device added as an option for output and preview.
* Brush: Color: Ocio config version 2 is now supported. Ocio archives can be selected in filer chooser..

* Brush: Unreal: Connect plug-in: Show if level is loading in level selection.
* Brush: API: Functions added to API: Set/get/clear look up table, set/get layer blend mode.
* Brush: DMX: Change layer blend via DMX input.
* Brush: DMX: Macros for selecting effect with name.

* Brush: Mapping: 3D Stereoscopic mode can be set for output mapping.
* Brush: Mapping: 3D Stereoscopic mode can be set for projector output mapping.

* Brush: Control: Custom keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to Control Actions.
* Brush: Control: Parameters can be entered in cue command string that runs a Control action.

* Brush: Workspace: Layer mapping effects with controls in workspace.
* Brush: Effects: Multi effect holds blank effect as first entry.
* Brush: API: Performance optimization in DirectAPI when changing a perspective of a screen showing multiple timeline layers.


* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Live Input Resource. Fx sampler params did not accepts dropped live input resources. Fixe.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline tab does not swallow space key input anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer with deleted home screen is not rendered on other screens anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Live Input Freeze Fx. Unnecessary refresh of input when resetting nowpointer within clip via clicking. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Live inputs assigned as dominant value were not correctly initialized after project load. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Update problems of Layer Mapping Effects after changing multiple screens at once fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Possible glitches fixed when changing playmode between play/pause and vice versa. 
* Fix: Timeline: Possible problems with finding layer screen connection fixed leading to missing content distribution.
* Fix: Timeline: Invisible events not selectable anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Buttons in timeline user interface do not swallow enter key anymore when focused.
* Fix: Timeline: When preload time of jump cues was larger than the distance of a pause cue to a following jump cue, the pause cue was sometimes ignored. Fixed.

* Fix: Screen: Update screen preview resolution on project load.
* Fix: Screen: Spatial information for layer mapping effects fixed for non rectangular setups.

* Fix: GUI: Pasted content is immediately selected.
* Fix: GUI: VideoStream inspector takes multi selection into account.
* Fix: GUI: Inspector: Mouse wheel move in empty area scrolls pane.
* Fix: GUI: Inspector: Horizontal control layout fixed which led to pixel being cut off on right side.
* Fix: GUI: Library tree selection cleared when search term is entered to avoid invisible selections.

* Fix: Resource: Live input dmx ids are now restored after project load.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not re-distributing files missing on client. 
* Fix: Resource: Assets: Fixed not handling paths inside bundle correctly when checking for already transferred/converted videos.
* Fix: Resource: Resource folder distribution target override was reset when loading a project. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Color resource also writes integer values to ensure backwards compatibility to previous release version.
* Fix: Resource: Resource distribution settings are not reset on project load anymore.

* Fix: Perspective: Mirror perspective transformation is now undoable. Insepector layout brushed.
* Fix: Perspective: Perspective width can not be set to 0 anymore.

* Fix: Engine: Error in scheduler fixed which could lead to black video frames during playback.
* Fix: Engine: ProRes encoded videos did not play. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine : Problems with frame load after jump fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Errors in hardware decoding fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Deltacast SDI output: Stream configuration is updated if color space changed.
* Fix: Engine: Short-term overload of GPU upload may have caused long-term performance degradation. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Error in pitch size calculation for live inputs fixed. Could lead to distorted image at least with Decklink input cards.
* Fix: Engine: Possible memory leak fixed.

* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash with screen color correction fixed if engine is currently not available. 
* Fix: Mapping: Output color correction is applied to all selected screens or projectors.
* Fix: Mapping: Fixed re-creating already existing testpatterns.
* Fix: Mapping: LUT based output color correction fixed. Output LUT now gives same results as LUT assigned to Resource or Clip.

* Fix: Control: Broken OSC module fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not being able to export gdtf file correctly when using multi effect.
* Fix: Notch: Replaced notch resources did get an invalid duration of 1 second. Fixed.
* Fix: Color: Color transformation lut size increased when using upper value limit > 1.
* Fix: API: GetNodeWithName and GetParamWithName was not working for Notch. Fixed.
* Fix: License: Problems with stacked Control standalone licenses fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Wrong user notification height calculation fixed.
* Fix: Project: Standard effects are loaded correctly in bundled projects.
* Fix: DMX: GDTF layer export fixed.
* Fix: Jump over play cue generates a blackout


Pixera 1.8.201 
25 Jan 23



* Brush: Engine/Control: CEF updated to version 107.1.12.
* Brush: Engine: Audio: Portaudio updated to version 19.7.0.
* Brush: Engine: NDI updated to version 5.5.2.
* Brush: Engine: Frame threading activated for NotchLC and Hap encoded videos.

* Brush: Workspace: Multiple preview cameras available. Camera properties can be set in inspector.
* Brush: Workspace: Preview camera: All cameras can be hidden. New camera can be initialized from current view.

* Brush: Timeline: Allow different parameter kinds for pdtf layer.
* Brush: Timeline: Trigger cue can select timeline in UI.
* Brush: Timeline: Compositing layer can be created with transformation parameters.
* Brush: Timeline: Integer params can be used by effects.

* Brush: Resource: Video sampler thread count used in render engine settable in UI. But HAP is still single threaded for now.
* Brush: Resource: Wrap mode settable.

* Brush: Control: DispatchTableBuilder allows empty parameter.
* Brush: Control: Search bar for Library added

* Brush: Project: If project save fails project is saved to default location with user notification.
* Brush: Settings: Initial values: Seq clip play mode added.
* Brush: Installer: Default pdtf for different parameter kinds added.
* Brush: API: Layers can be ignored by input from DirectApi.
* Brush: Notch: Existing keyframes are preserved when refreshing or replacing Notch block with changed parameter structure.
* Brush: Database: LED database updated.
* Brush: Notch: Reload of updated block without parameter structure change possible without restart.
* Brush: GUI: Label can display placeholder text if label text is empty to give user hints.
* Brush: Mapping: Show all existing mappings for one output at the same time in preview.
* Brush: Logs: Project history output in logs is not shortened.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Allow individual outputs for compositing targets.



* Fix: Timeline: Faded Jumps. Output values of data layer were wrong when Nowpointer is paused after jump. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Free loop clips. Possible problems with playback position after (faded) jumps fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump to jump cues led to inconsistent output. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Possible crash with dominant layer transport managed by control fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline opacity changes were not applied after jump when opacity was changed while transport head was already preloaded. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Properties of trigger cue were not copied correctly. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Keys were unintentionally repositioned to time 0 when newly created and followed by a selection of another key via Ctrl + Click. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Video export screen selection more robust if saved screen is not available anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport but no dominant resource. When stopping nowpointer in clip next to a following clip the output was stopped. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer Mapping Effects: Timeline is applied after all necessary information used by layer mapping effects are distributed to clients. 
* Fix: Timeline: Layer is displayed correctly after toggling screen aligned property.

* Fix: Resource: Transcoding: Source path was not updated after transcoding finished. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Some supported media file types were not recognized as supported image or video kind. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Distribution and encoding of refreshed or replaced resources fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Preview camera: Not rendered in inner compositing anymore. Initialization after start-up corrected. Correct values are applied on reset from button bar.
* Fix: Workspace: Preview Camera: Uninitialized camera selection after first start-up fixed.

* Fix: Engine: Black Art-Net output fixed. 
* Fix: Engine: HAP decoding set to single thread usage due to deadlock.
* Fix: Engine: Possible error in upload of large images to gpu fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible texture memory leak fixed when more texture memory is needed than available on the GPU. 

* Fix: Control: Check folder name for invalid signature.
* Fix: Control: References to live systems no longer broken after project reload.
* Fix: Settings: Possible problems with preview resolution scaling being not applied correctly on start-up fixed.
* Fix: Settings: Non existing preview cache path is reset after project load
* Fix: Settings: Preview: Possible empty lines in preview task table fixed.

* Fix: Mapping: Pixel mapping transformation after import from csv fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Multiple projectors on the same output are not displayed together in warping engine.

* Fix: Project: Fx: Backwards compatibility was broken. I.e. layers with common fx created in version 1.2 or lower did not work in version 1.8 or higher.
* Fix: Project: Bundling: Fixed creating multiple assets for resource and not transferring all resource versions.
* Fix: Project: Prevent file removal within user folder when project save-as points to network drive not mapped in Windows.

* Fix: API: Access to performance monitoring values made more robust.
* Fix: API: Projector setSoftedgeVisible(.) fixed.

* Fix: Notch: Notch blocks did not work after project bundling. Fixed.
* Fix: Screen: Screen object base transformation is correctly applied for multiple screens using the same 3d object.
* Fix: Vioso: Blend feather completely deactivated for 360° calibrations.
* Fix: GUI: Possible corruption of placeholder images fixed. 
* Fix: Effects: Multi effects fixed.




Pixera 1.8.182  
2 Dez 22



*Brush: Notch: Timeout duration for Notch block unload in render engine increased.
*Brush: Notch: FPS used for Notch block rendering can be set for Notch Compositing resource.
*Brush: GUI: Timeline speed factor with more decimal places in UI.
*Brush: Timeline: Trigger cues. Enabled detaching for non-preloaded trigger cues, i.e. trigger cues that are applied directly to avoid black frames between clips.
*Brush: Effects: Multi effect added to improve workflow with lighting consoles.
*Brush: Project: Parts list export with more properties and possibility to export 3d screen objects.



*Fix: Resource: DMX controls for multi resource in inspector added. DMX controls removed for effects.’
*Fix: Resource: Live input DMX Ids are now stored in project correctly.
*Fix:Timeline: Trigger cues. Trigger pause cues with trigger mode play when nowpointer of goal cue timeline is already positioned at the goal cue led to pathological playback state, e.g cues were not applied anymore.
*Fix: Timeline: Unintentionally, sometimes (on higher zooms) set nowpointer time twice (1 frame difference) when clicking into time bar. Fixed.
*Fix: Timeline: Problems with key creation fixed.
*Fix: Timeline: Trigger Cues: Pause cues that trigger other timelines did not work correctly. 
*Fix: Engine: Possible problems with render device on engine reset fixed.
*Fix: Engine: Possible flickering on multiple unsynchronized outputs fixed.
*Fix: GUI: Zoom range narrowed in node view to avoid possible drawing problems.
*Fix: GUI: Opacity slider in timeline library does not process mouse wheel anymore.
*Fix: Unreal: Broken backwards compatibility with older projects containing compositing layer fixed.
*Fix: Mapping: Screen marker labels now always visible again in aux engine for marker calibration.
*Fix: Mapping: Inspector unloading after undo of mapping operation fixed.
*Fix: Notch: Fixed not automatically distributing notch blocks on import.
*Fix: Workspace: Timeline load performance improved.



Pixera 1.8.172   
16 Nov 22



* Brush: Timeline: Trigger cue inspector: Trigger controls are opened by default if trigger options are set.
* Brush: Timeline: Effects can be added to compositing layers.
* Brush: Timeline: Trigger Cues: Goal cues can be chosen in cue inspector to define trigger goal time.
* Brush: Timeline: Performance of switching between timelines in UI optimized.
* Brush: Timeline: Jump Cues. Performance optimization by avoiding unnecessary engine updates.
* Brush: Timeline: Live Input. Clips show name of last live input if the device is currently not running.
* Brush: Timeline: Cues: Tooltip is showing cue note.
* Brush: Timeline: Domination Value Recording: Clip generation performance improved and progress bar added.
* Brush: Timeline: Toggle cue pane height added to context menu..
* Brush: Timeline: Unique name for newly added effects. Existing effects can be renamed.
* Brush: Timeline: Color correction LUT can be set per clip.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant values can be applied with delay for smooth value interpolation.
* Brush: Timeline: Clips pane regains keyboard focus after entering Nowpointer time. To ensure that shortcuts, e.g. 'N' (create new key) or 'arrow key' (move nowpointer one frame), still work.

* Brush: Resource: Number of frames in memory can be set for resource.
* Brush: Resource: Preview conversion options per resource and folder.
* Brush: Resource: Fall back for resource fps determination added.
* Brush: Resource: Distribution settings can be set to child folders and resources.
* Brush: Resource: Do not show assets of unconnected services.
* Brush: Resource: Only show assets for connected services.
* Brush: Resource: Do not access file for audio thumbnail if resource is marked as not available.
* Brush: Resource: Brushed distribution target settings in resource inspector.
* Brush: Resource: Preview settings in resource and folder inspector brushed.
* Brush: Resource: Reaction to finished tasks in engine made more robust.
* Brush: Resource: Automatically detected color space is displayed in inspector.

* Brush: File Transfer: User created network drives can be deleted.
* Brush: File Transfer: Improved source and target control.
* Brush: File Transfer: Status of tasks displayed as user notification.
* Brush: File Transfer: Assets with failed transfer task contain more expressive error message in UI.
* Brush: File Transfer: Small file transfer tasks with high priority can overtake already running transfer tasks.
* Brush: File Transfer: Old default value for automatic file distribution restored.
* Brush: File Transfer: Filtering of transfer task table.
* Brush: File Transfer: UI elements in settings brushed.

* Brush: Control: PixeraHub and GrandMA2Msc module updated. RangeMulti module added.
* Brush: Control: EOS module added. PJLink module fixed UI.
* Brush: Color: OCIO updated to version 2.2.
* Brush: Control: GrandMa2SMC updated for better pointcue handling.
* Brush: Control: PJLink module: Commands added to receive information and create user interface.
* Brush: Control: TimelineInfo module performance improved.
* Brush: Control: Node shows "[UI]" in title if user interface is available.
* Brush: Control: Add action with attribute.
* Brush: Control: TimelineBuilder module supports pictures.
* Brush: Control: OscTimelineControl module for predefine timeline actions added.
* Brush: Control: New API commands to Loupedeck module added.
* Brush: Control: PixeraHub module to new Hub API changed and PixeraMultiHub module added.
* Brush: Control: Entec SPlay Modul added.
* Brush: Control: EOSTImeline, GrandMA2, GrandMA2MSC modules updated.
* Brush: Control: EOSTimeline und GrandMA2MSC module added.
* Brush: Control: SplitString module and TimelineInfo module added.
* Brush: Control: Remove button in control only accepts left mouse button.

* Brush: Mapping: Render order of target mappings on output can be set in UI.
* Brush: Mapping: Newly created mapping feed from double click also use name of source.
* Brush: Mapping: Automatically hide mapping feed labels if they are too large.
* Brush: Mapping: Feed mapping with DMX info labels.
* Brush: Mapping: Mapping feed label visibility can be changed by user.
* Brush: Mapping: Mappings feeds can be organized in hierarchy.
* Brush: Mapping: Avoid redundant updates of feed rectangles when dragging controls in UI.
* Brush: Mapping: Updates of feed rectangles in render engine can be limited to end of drag gesture.
* Brush: Mapping: Depth test func can be set for projector mappings.
* Brush: Mapping: Mapping sub inspectors (e.g. for modifier) store openness state.
* Brush: Mapping: Mouse wheel zoom in warp engine brushed to avoid accidently moving through object.

* Brush: Settings: UI elements for preview file creation and resource distribution fixed.
* Brush: Settings: Initial values for clip frame blending settable.
* Brush: Settings: Initial duration of clips in timeline can be set as initial value for different resource types (images, color,etc.).
* Brush: Settings: Option added to prohibit output activation on startup.
* Brush: Settings: Tooltips with more information on file distribution can be enabled in settings.

* Brush: Notch: Inspector FX Tab. Show tooltips to make parameter with long names readable.
* Brush: Notch: Intrinsic Camera. Set position and rotation defaults as dominant values when adding notch block.
* Brush: Notch: Inspector Tab FX. Grouping exposed parameters with respect to subfolders of timeline structure.
* Brush: Notch: Notch blocks on compositing layers visible on multiple screens do not create unnecessary multiple block instances in rx.
* Brush: Notch: In Notch compositing resources the resolution of the created Notch texture can be set.

* Brush: Engine: Web browser: "autoplay-policy" set to "no-user-gesture-required".
* Brush: Engine: Embedded video color space and mastering display meta data is now interpreted.
* Brush: Engine: Sync time smoothing improved.
* Brush: Engine: More precise output frame rate for Art-Net and NDI output streams.
* Brush: Engine: Warning if sync time jumps relative to system time.
* Brush: Engine: Error is written to log if client connection is unexpectedly lost (instead of normal message).
* Brush: Engine: Reset displays if OpenGL swap command is in a deadlock.
* Brush: Engine: Increased color lut size for HDR work flow.

* Brush: API: "getInst" added to LiveSystems.
* Brush: API: MoveToNext/moveToPrev Cue added with option to ignore cue properties.
* Brush: API: Command createEventInPixelSpace added.
* Brush: API: Command getValues for nodes added.
* Brush: API: Get-/setColorCorrectionAsJsonString and get-/setColorCorrection with instPath added.
* Brush: API: Added new functions for clips: get/set frame blending, get/set Inpoint, get/set outpoint, get/set speed.
* Brush: API: Import/export mappings function structure separates out generated live systems paths.
* Brush: API: Import/export mappings original function names restored for backwards compatibility.
* Brush: API: Return value of Pixera.Timelines.Cue.setTime() better reflects whether time-setting was successful.
* Brush: API: Added commands to store node/param values. Reset values command fixed.
* Brush: API: Additonal commands added: getProjectName, getProjectDirectory, getDefaultResourceDuration, Resource.getType, getDescription (for live systems).
* Brush: API: Added functions to get state and information of live input. Added function to set video stream mode.

* Brush: GUI: Progress bar for time consuming tasks blocking user interaction.
* Brush: GUI: Collapsible components in resource inspector.
* Brush: GUI: Shortcut 'F2' for renaming selected timeline when timeline library has focus.
* Brush: GUI: Workspace view settings are stored in settings.
* Brush: GUI: Library tree: Left click + Alt-Key on node selects all children of node.
* Brush: GUI: Tree node selection with Alt down selects all leaf nodes in the sub tree.
* Brush: GUI: Dialog windows are positioned above Pixera GUI.
* Brush: GUI: Distribution Target settings the same for folders and resources now.
* Brush: GUI: Added error message if project save failed and if module export failed.
* Brush: GUI: Colour selector changed to display decimal values. Colors of text and bg brushed.
* Brush: GUI: Project load times improved.

* Brush: Effects: PolarCoordinates effect added.
* Brush: Effects: UVPositionAndScale effect added.
* Brush: Effects: Added alpha support for Reflection effect.

* Brush: Color: Ocio roles read from config.
* Brush: Color: RGB Saturation: Implemented a more natural algorithm.
* Brush: Color: OCIO config can be reloaded.

* Brush: Workspace: Edit Object Marker removed from screens tab.
* Brush: Workspace: Screens can be rendered shaded in inner compositing.
* Brush: Workspace: Visibilty of DMX labels brushed.
* Brush: Workspace: Selection: Existing selection is less sticky when other object is selected above.

* Brush: Presence: Engine processes created by presence can checked for activity every 20 seconds. Deactivated by default. Can be activated with settings file.
* Brush: Presence: Save dumps and logs to zip file added. Used adapter IP is shown in UI.

* Brush: Unreal: Project path can be changed for existing Unreal resource.
* Brush: Unreal: nDisplay config: per viewport resolution scale factor added.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Projected background with optional soft border.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Projected background is not visible behind the camera anymore.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Additional (non-associated) screens can be used as set extension mask.

* Brush: Compositing: Additional layer origin strategy "Perspective Position" added.
* Brush: Compositing: Render order strategy can be set for screen group.

* Brush: Live Input: Deinterlace modes for Datapath live inputs selectable.
* Brush: Installer: Installer with digitally signed binaries.
* Brush: Help: Open log or dump directory from settings "Help". Export logs and dumps to zip file.
* Brush: Screen: Another perspective snap to screen algorithm added.
* Brush: Database: LED and projector database updated.
* Brush: DMX: GDTF export: Using standard feature groups. Volume as dimmer (without master influence).
* Brush: Preview: Preview settings UI brushed. ComboBox will turn red upon change indicating that file has to be reencoded. Dialog added to select which resources to re encode.




* Fix: Timeline: Move nowpointer shortcuts: Keys of selected clips were skipped. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Include Datalayer in Add Time or Subract Time
* Fix: Timeline: Snapping: Missing snapping on events after clips were overlapping. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Fade to Time. First click within a free loop clip after Fade-to-Time click resets the loop clock to 0 unintentionally. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Inspector. Clip 'Play Mode' was not editable after changing clip resource from 'live input' to 'media'. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Exclude From Automatic Fades' was not applied anymore. Fixed. UI element moved to 'Setup' tab.
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clip Timing. Seeked to wrong sampler time when nowpointer paused in front of a clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Performance loss due to unnecessary detaching. Detaching was not suppressed for 'Free Loop' clips for first click after starting transport from 'Stop' or 'Pause'. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clips. Video playback time was not reset when moving running nowpointer 8 sec or less in front of the clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clip Timing. There were seeks to wrong sampler time when running nowpointer was set in front of the clip via mouse click. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clip Timing. There were seeks (with another origin than in the previous commit) to wrong sampler time when running nowpointer was set in front of the clip via mouse click. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Transport events ignored transport mode and speed when stored. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Dominant transport stop did not set sampler time to zero when nowpointer was positioned after a pausing transport key. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Playback did not start for jumps into 'Free Loop'-clip anymore. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dropped frames due to unnecessary texture sampler creation when using layer mapping effects fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Live Input. Clip feedback icon did not show 'not available' when device was not available. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Live Input. When saving while input is disconnected, clips lost their assignment to the live input. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Unreal-compositing layer could not be added via context menu entry 'Add Layer > Unreal-Compositing Layer ' of timeline structure.
* Fix: Timeline: Notch. No invalid initialization of intrinsic camera params for Notch blocks as media layer effect anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer: Layer was invisible after jump via cue or Shift+Click. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger cues. Triggering timeline that is paused to another time and still pausing resulted in black output. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Possible crash when selecting clips fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Insert time moves current clip and events in current clip too
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clips: When nowpointer leaves out faded free loop clip, sometimes there were flashes at the end of the out faded clip.
* Fix: Timeline: Storing dominant media resource to timeline fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues: Sometimes no output when jumping into a refresh time window without any clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline selection from combo box applies view.
* Fix: Timeline: Reverted functionality: Dominant values can be applied with delay for smooth value interpolation.
* Fix: Timeline: Wrong effect parameter linkage in inspector fixed if the same effect is added more than once.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer with Timeline Reference Resource is never detached in render engine. This caused problems if the same resource is used on multiple layers.
* Fix: Timeline: Possible crash fixed when timeline snippet in inspector was reloaded due to user input.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Dominant transport was not continued after jump. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues: Jump into free loop clip did not start clock directly when jump cue was close to but not within the goal clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport. Loop was restarted after first change of nowpointer playback from pause to play after dominant transport mode was set. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Clip playback speed. When changing clip speed in inspector, the respective new frame was not shown when nowpointer was paused. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline export for single screens use resolution set in dialog again. Multiple screens use the original screen resolution.
* Fix: Timeline: Negative clip playback speed: For negative speed start clips with last frame of resource. Speed changing transport keys working correctly.
* Fix: Timeline: Nowpointer snapping. Selected keys were ignored. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Insert time corrected for events in current clip.
* Fix: Timeline: Keys were unintentionally repositioned to time 0 when first selected via marque. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Wrong sampler sometimes were shown when a following clip exists less than 10 seconds away from the jump cue. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Fixed layer "Use Mesh Textures".
* Fix: Timeline: Inspector. Opacity and volume keys were unintentionally selectable via selection frame although the "Visibility and Audibility" node was not selected. Could led to unintentional movement and deletion of keys. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Effect parameter changes are distrubted to multiple selected layers.
* Fix: Timeline: Unreal compositing layer could not be added to timeline anymore. Fixed.

* Fix: File Transfer: Fixed drawing remove icon in drive table cells that should not show it.
* Fix: File Transfer: An unconnected service is not added as distribution target anymore.
* Fix: File Transfer: Asset task table is now updated together with filter buttons after deleting a task.
* Fix: File Transfer: Notch resources can be distributed.
* Fix: File Transfer: State of canceled distribution tasks was not stored correctly leading to distrubtion after next start up. Fixed.
* Fix: File Transfer: Update of distribution targets of testpatterns and effects after service connect fixed.
* Fix: File Transfer: Fixed showing "File not found" error when frame of image sequence is missing during transfer.
* Fix: File Transfer: Problems with transfer from NAS fixed.
* Fix: File Transfer: Tasks with errors are not removed from task table automatically.
* Fix: File Transfer: Fixed wrong condition for deleting obsolete assets and creating all necessary assets on project load.
* Fix: File Transfer: Fixed not normalizing path of shared network drive resulting in double entries.

* Fix: Notch: Inspector FX Tab. Value sliders were shown for sampler parameter. Fixed.
* Fix: Notch: Empty compositing layer was created when Notch block load failed due to missing Notch dongle. Now, no layer is created and a warning dialog is shown.
* Fix: Notch: Jumps within a 'Free Loop' clip did reset the Notch timeline clock. Fixed.
* Fix: Notch: Possible crash fixed when canceling "Choose Notch Layer" dialog during layer creation workflow.* *
* Fix: Notch: Preload Permanently. Notch blocks were not preloaded after project load or pixera restart. Fixed.

* Fix: Resource: Fixed resource feedback states for conversion.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed creating transfer and preview assets for resources that don't need them.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed using potentially uninitialized preview settings causing zombie tasks.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not applying preview settings when creating a preview asset.
* Fix: Resource: Delete obsolete assets when services are connected.
* Fix: Resource: Non Media resources will always be distributed no matter if sync to clients is enabled or not.
* Fix: Resource: Image preview creation fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Assets: Fixed not moving cached files over to new location when default storage is changed.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not being able to re-encode image resources.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not updating storage information on testpattern and pfm assets when default storage is changed.
* Fix: Resource: Possible zombie tasks in UI fixed when unnecessary task was started.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed possible problems with file creation if placeholder or thumbnail is selected.
* Fix: Resource: Possible error leading to not converting or distributing existing files fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Video Input: Video mode can be reset to default.
* Fix: Resource: DMX Id unregister for resources fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Missing use of multi selection in resource tree added.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not processing filenames with "[" and "]" correctly.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed problem with very large numbers in resource file name.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed almost always re-encoding resources, even when not necessary.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not loading all frames of image sequence if all frames were added by drag and drop.
* Fix: Resource: Preview file conversion task was not removed for some resource after finish. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed behavior of dirty indicator button when selecting "Original" as the preview resolution.
* Fix: Resource: Multiple videos with indices in file name are not imported as image sequence anymore.
* Fix: Resource: Image sequence check only for image files.

* Fix: Mapping: Possible problems with incomplete mappings after startup fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: On initialization mapping takes aggregate outputs correctly into account.
* Fix: Mapping: Alt+Arrow keys does not add selected control point for modifiers without selected control point.
* Fix: Mapping : Unwanted multi selection editing of feed rects fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Fixed not being able to use custom meshes with multiple sub screens in output routing correctly.
* Fix: Mapping: Network output streams now take screen target texture offset and scale into account to handle all screen's selective target rendering modes correctly.
* Fix: Mapping: Do not reset render engine when dragging output or stream into workspace from existing service.
* Fix: Mapping: Feeds and feed group copy/paste fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Possible problems with mapping sizes after startup fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Auto transformation applied to mapping feeds now preserves selection order.
* Fix: Mapping: Screen DMX fixture: Reload mapping after changed properties fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Mapping render order is only overwritten by screen if screen render order was set explicitly.
* Fix: Mapping: Auto transformation now takes necessary dmx padding into account when generating dmx output feeds.
* Fix: Mapping: Softedge was not loaded if an already running client was restarted. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Changing mapping feeds or feed groups hierarchy fixed.

* Fix: GUI: Possible crash fixed when selecting a resource and showing the asset tab.
* Fix: GUI: Resource folder takes multi selection into account.
* Fix: GUI: Toggle button width is set to minimum size to fit text to ensure that clicks in empty space do not toggle button..
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash when deselecting objects fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Possible problems with loading control panes fixed. Sometimes button bar above preview was not visible in mapping tab.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash when changing timeline GUI layout fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed wrong message about running tasks on application close.
* Fix: GUI: Service inspector uses multi selection.
* Fix: GUI: Inspector reloads FX tab correctly if effect structure changed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed multi selection usage for feed rectangle inspector.
* Fix: GUI: Library tree is reloaded when timeline order is changed via API.
* Fix: GUI: Library tree is reloaded when resources are added via API.

* Fix: Engine: Wrong rendering after changes to aggregate outputs fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Ignore grayscale color profiles.
* Fix: Engine: Unloading unused files fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible problems with integrated Intel GPUs fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Problems with reversed playback fixed.
* Fix: Engine: File preload fixed for newly started timelines.
* Fix: Engine: Possible problems fixed if system time was set backwards.
* Fix: Engine: Byte order swap for tiled frames. Very large textures can now be in big endian format.
* Fix: Engine: Preview creation fixed for 16 bit float media files (e.g. EXR).

* Fix: API: Clips and cues are not added to selection if created from API.
* Fix: API: Staleness check for Studio Camera corrected in DirectApi.
* Fix: API: Crash avoided in Pixera.Timelines.Layer.mute/unMuteAudio when layer has unexpected structure.
* Fix: API: DirectAPI loads foreground and set extension FX Ids if compositing target is not shared.
* Fix: API: Event creation for non-transformation parameters (e.g. Opacity) fixed.
* Fix: API: DirectApi: Position, rotation and scale can now be set for Screen via DirectAPI.
* Fix: API: DirectApi: Live trace data is sent to render engine to allow analysis of incomping data timestamps.
* Fix: API: Possible freeze of application fixed if screen transformation is controlled from DirectAPI and screen uses perspective uv coordinates.
* Fix: API: DirectAPI transformation changes do not trigger screen world texture updates anymore. Number of GUI updates from DirectAPI reduced.
* Fix: API: sACN output from timeline data layer fixed.

* Fix: DMX: Fixed universe offset in the auto transform editor.
* Fix: DMX: Various issues with auto generated dmx values in auto transform editor fixed. Offset parameter added.
* Fix: DMX: Maximum Art-Net output framerate set to 120Hz.
* Fix: DMX: PDTF DMX Universe fixture update fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed calculating transport mode value wrong when speed is not patched.

* Fix: Workspace: Inner compositing selection bugs fixed. Invisible cameras and layers belonging to other screen group are not selectable anymore.
* Fix: Workspace: Fixed not opening the right settings when clicking on minimized task notification.
* Fix: Workspace: Avoid possible crash when switching from inner to outer compositing.
* Fix: Workspace: Initialization of preview camera more robust.
* Fix: Workspace: Input labels for DMX only visible for mapping feeds of network stream outputs.
* Fix: Workspace: Selection fixed for cameras and projectors.
* Fix: Workspace: Possible problems with layer selection through screens in outer composting fixed.

* Fix: Screen: Possible crash on startup fixed with layer mapping effects.
* Fix: Screen: Newly added screen rendering in workspace fixed.
* Fix: Screen: Texture creation on startup for perspective UV texture coordinates fixed.
* Fix: Screen: Possible crash when reloading screen object fixed.

* Fix: Effects: Custom effects are distributed to clients.
* Fix: Effects: Softness of Cropping and Iris effect fixed.
* Fix: Effects: AlphaWipe effect fixed.

* Fix: Unreal: Too many updates of Unreal project from timeline animations fixed.

* Fix: Studio Camera: Apply more updates on system setup even though updates are blocked due to tracking input. Fixes initialization problems with lens distortion.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Set extension mask updates from DirectAPI fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Active state of camera is now applied to newly created mappings after startup.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Discard background is applied on start up if enabled.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Warped set extension is immediately shown after activation.
* Fix: Studio Camera: DirectAPI: Compositing target share: Unreal processing delay taken into account.

* Fix: Settings: Doubled entries removed from recent projects list in project settings, more of path shown in dropdown.
* Fix: Settings: Progress bar updates in task tables fixed.

* Fix: Control: Avoid possible crash in Control and output routing on slot removal when slots have multiple connections.
* Fix: Control: PixeraHub Module reboot and shutdown commands fixed.
* Fix: Live Input: Preview for live input with group name fixed.
* Fix: Perspective: Preview rendering corrected for perspectives with overscan > 1 and "update UV coords from perspective" enabled.* v
* Fix: Preview: Fixed not applying preview options to descendants of folders.
* Fix: Preview: Fixed not setting task to "Finished" when thumbnail or placeholder was generated.
* Fix: Vioso: Vioso license error fixed.
* Fix: Color: Color transformation of incoming resources fixed if upper clipping value is set to a value > 1.0.





Pixera 1.8.111   
26 July 22



* Brush: Timeline: Trigger cue inspector: Trigger controls are opened by default if trigger options are set.
* Brush: Timeline: Trigger timeline: Also frame exact triggering when no trigger time is set.
* Brush: API: Pause SMPTE input over API.
* Brush: Timeline: Generic dmxUniverse pdtf file added.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Posibility off pause position, rotation tracking input and position, rotation input API command added.
* Brush: Effects: Glitch and wipe effect added.
* Brush: Control: Visual Productions Modul CueCore, TimeCore, DaliCore added.




* Fix: OCIO: Contrast and gamma color corrections sometimes led to artifacts (due to negative color components resulting in 'nan' entries in the calculated   LUT). Fixed.
* Fix: API: Fixed: not returning current value of param if param is not dominant.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant audio resources. Resources were not audible on empty layers.
* Fix: GUI: Button bars next to labels are updated more reliable.
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger timeline. Reset button of trigger time in inspector is updated correctly.
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger timeline. Now, timeline is triggered at its current position if no trigger time is set.
* Fix: Timeline: Cut tool. Clip cuts did not follow timeline fps changes. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not being able to import incomplete image sequnces with drag and drop.
* Fix: Resource: Resources could be dropped from library on clips on notch compositing layer main resource param. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Scrubbing. Wrong output when scrubbing via Arrow Keys. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values: On data layers values could not be saved/deleted via Shortcuts anymore. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Data layers: Data layers initial height was too large. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues: Dominant values from preview were transmitted to engine only after each second jump. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Live Preview Editing: Dominant values from preview window changes (pos, rot, and scale) changed main output. Fixed.
* Fix: Notch: Notch block was created twice on compositing layer when dropped on screen in preview window. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Playback after restart of Pixera: No output when starting playback in a refresh time window without any clip. Fixed.


Pixera 1.8.105 
19 July 2022



* Brush: Mapping: Reduced updates especially when staging mappings are changed.
* Brush: Notch: Exposed integer properties. Read from block and create layer params.
* Brush: Timeline: 'Select all' popup menu in clips and cue panes . Rename entries for clarity reasons.
* Brush: Timeline: DMX input for data layers.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant Values. Create keys from non-dominant parameter folders (hierarchy).
* Brush: Control: Logic module added.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant Values. 'Store and Conserve Domination' in context menu of param node dominator.
* Brush: Timeline: Settings: Option to conserve parameter domination state on store of domination values added.
* Brush: Perspective: Create Perspective Screen Texture Coordinates' with possible overscan to avoid seam at screen edge.
* Brush: API: Perspective corners can follow tracked screen object for perspective base positioning approaches.
* Brush: Screen: Dynamic screen setup controls available for active screens.
* Brush: Studio: Spatial segregation offset for foreground added.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant values included in undo/redo.
* Brush: Engine: Troubleshooting: More information on file transfer errors.
* Brush: API: Command snapPerspectiveCornersToScreen added.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominator is shown when resource/mesh is assigned to layer.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Automatic Color Calibration: Set extension auto color correction.



* Fix: Timeline: Dominant resource. Looping transport was unintentionally reset when moving nowpointer outside any clip via click. Fixed.
* Fix: Service: Sometimes not all video device output streams were recreated after startup. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Multiselect clips and cues. Sometimes dragging led to wrong position of selected cues when also clips are contained in selection.
* Fix: Timeline: Multiselect clips and cues. Inter Layer Drag. Cues were not repositioned. Only clips were moved in time. Bug fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Reload inspector for video stream if device type of previously loaded video stream does not equal.
* Fix: Mapping: Node based output routing: Lost connection between video stream and mapping fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: DMX input for data layers.
* Fix: Color: All OCIO output transforms are now selectable.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Possible crash with old projects fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Some collapsible controls could not be opened anymore, e.g. 'Visibility and Audibility' in layer inspector. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Notch: Memory leak of input textures fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Open/close collapsible controls led to incorrect height of scrollable inspector pane. I.e. sometimes controls could not be reached via scrolling down in inspector. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer Induced Dominant Values. Keys were not created on parameter curves with same value at time. Fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Layer for unreal object not being added to timeline if timeline is not visible fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Mute and unmute layer could led to incorrect dominant values of position and scale. Fixed.
* Fix: Compositing: Only hide screen aligned layers in preview when entering inner compositing.
* Fix: Workspace: Possible crash fixed when selected object is destroyed in inner compositing.
* Fix: API: Direct API: Screen can handle perspective transformation change of displays and LEDs. Mapping transformation is not affected.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values Created in Preview and Free Run Audio Clips. Audio was played even when nowpointer was moved out of clip. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values Created in Preview. Some labels were not updated after canceling domination.
* Fix: Control: Crash avoided during script editing.
* Fix: Control: Increased robustness of HTTP request module when processing many requests.
* Fix: Timeline: Timing fixed for trigger and jump cues that followed a wait cue and were positioned within preload time window of wait cue.
* Fix: Timeline: Fix: Timeline: Fixed playback inconsistencies when wait time ends.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Automatic Color Calibration: Projected correction restricted to frustum.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Automatic Color Calibration: Assignment of calibrations to projected background update reliably.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Automatic Color Calibration: "None" (instead of empty field) shown in projected background auto-color selection dialog when no calibration is selected.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Automatic Color Calibration: Auto color no longer needs restart to work for freshly created screens.
* Fix: Engine: Internal file transfer made more robust (used e.g. for layer mapping effects, color calibration).
* Fix: Engine: OCIO: Black target avoided when OCIO-related settings are updated quickly.
* Fix: Timeline: Key creation deletes existing keys at creation time.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer diamond now shows dominant state when transport was the only remaining dominant param after canceling other param domination states.
* Fix: Engine: File Transfer: Pause/resume/abort made more robust.
* Fix: Engine: Notch LC: More frames kept in cache for high resolution videos to avoid drops during playback.
* Fix: Perspective: Perspective overscan only evaluated when rendering output so that preview maintains relationship between content and perspective.



Pixera 1.8.92 
14 June 2022



* Brush: Mapping: Reduced updates especially when staging mappings are changed.
* Brush: Studio Camera: More redundancy checks for set ext mask to reduce number of transfer tasks.
* Brush: API: Added getPerformanceMonitoringValuesJson.
* Brush: Mapping: Multi warp weight mode "Position and Orientation" usable.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Reset buttons for outputs in inspector added.
* Brush: Timeline: Timeline fade execution moved from GUI to Engine. Solved multiple problems concerning entangled fades (timeline opacity vs. preview edit vs. cue jumps).
* Brush: Timeline: Cue trigger seq time exact. Using modified jump cue mechanism.
* Brush: Control: Webviews: Added command for dynamic rebuild.
* Brush: API: Multiple new commandfs added.
* Brush: Control: Auto (-re-) init on send in Plain TCP and UDP modules implemented.
* Brush: Unreal: nDisplay timeouts increased.
* Brush: Unreal: Unreal compositing resource with sRGB transfer characteristic as default.
* Brush: Compositing: Screen's perspective can adopt transformation from mapped projector.
* Brush: Effects: Shader added to add gain to corners of image.
* Brush: Timeline: Layer color group parameter: Multiple improvements of the behaviour of color selector and label.
* Brush: Unreal: Support for 4.26 disabled in GUI.
* Brush: Screen: Transformation can be applied to screen vertices to adjust imported screen objects.
* Brush: API: Timeline Cues. Added methods to set and get trigger timeline properties.
* Brush: Notch: Exposed text properties. Support default text value.
* Brush: API: Updated getlayerjsondesc to get stored values.
* Brush: Screen: Base transformation moved to import.
* Brush: Resource: Prevent resources from redistributing after deleting files from service. Resources in foldes can be deleted now.
* Brush: Studio Camera: More delay settings.
* Brush: Unreal: Hide Unreal layer option at screens level.
* Brush: Unreal: Sync performance between render engine and Unreal Engine improved.
* Brush: Unreal: nDisplay config closer to Unreal launch in inspector, project distribution moved away from nDisplay config.
* Brush: Unreal: Editing screen presence triggers nDisplay configuration staleness check.
* Brush: Timeline: Layer can adapt transformation from perspective.
* Brush: API: Direct API auto-init restores previously active camera.
* Brush: Unreal: Pixera Connect: Interpolation interval settable.
* Brush: API: Added Layer.getClipCurrent and and Clip.getAssignedResource.
* Brush: Color: Ocio profiles are reset for output and resource when changing configs.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant values can be restored on project load.
* Brush: Engine: NotchLC threading improved to increase playback performance.
* Brush: GUI: Number of shown decimal places can be changed by user.
* Brush: Engine: Changed "Synchronize Compositor" default in engine settings to match Engine default.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Direct API latency default set to 0.
* Brush: Mapping: Feed rects optionally with dmx address can be imported from csv.
* Brush: Resource: Enforce suitable resolution for hap preview files.
* Brush: Service: Launch vnc added to context menu.
* Brush: Settings: OCIO config can be distributed to clients.
* Brush: Mapping: Mappings can override output color space settings.
* Brush: Workspace: Layers of currently stopped timelines are not selectable anymore.
* Brush: Color: OCIO refrence color space is shown in intermediate drop down in settings.



* Fix: Timeline: Fading on one timeline triggered from cues, preview edit or user input is now more robust.
* Fix: Timeline: Assigning a resource as dominant value to a layer is now more robust. Especially when new resource is faded or resource is an image.
* Fix: Service: Only close utility service for file transfer on nodes with opened service.
* Fix: Screen: Always update distribution targets for screen pos texture (used with layer mapping effects).
* Fix: Studio Camera: BG scale factor was not set if "Projected on Associated Screen" was not enabled. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Import mapping from csv: Accept "," or ";" as separator. Catch exceptions. Do not change imported names.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline: Jump Cues. Black output after adding a layer while jump is preloading. Fixed.
* Fix: Licensing: Preview engine no longer shows features as unlicensed despite adequate license on preview system.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Jump to a frame where a play cue is positioned led to no output. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Crash fixed when deactivating perspective offset for curved screens.
* Fix: Mapping: Node based output routing: Exception caught when showing connections from context menu.
* Fix: Service: Fixed not handling lifecycle of utilitiy service on takeover correctly
* Fix: Mapping: Node based output routing: Fixed being able to create direct connection from passive screen to output if done backwards.
* Fix: Timeline: Crash fixed when adding a new effect after editing the layer in the preview.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues into free run clip. Free run clips unintentionally stop or start at wrong times. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Inconsistent behavior for "Jump to Label" with an invalid label. Now, jump is not executed. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: 'Mute Layer | Video and Audio' buttons in inspector and timeline structure did not mute audio anymore. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. No output when a layer that also uses the resource that will be shown after jump was removed. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Screen mappings in library tree also displayed if screen is a child of a transformation node.
* Fix: Perspectives: Cancel domination values for perspective data layer if perspective is not edited manually.
* Fix: Color: OCIO: Wrong shader after config change fixed.
* Fix: Engine: MPCDI loading fixed. Some calibrations only showed red color.
* Fix: Resource: Extract audio fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Moving cue in time when already preloaded led to unexpected behavior. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Screen: Panel Array and Canvas Resolution can not be set to negative values.
* Fix: Screen: Copy paste screens which are descendant of transformation node fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Transformation nodes in output routing UI are now handled correctly.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant resource. Looping transport was unintentionally reset when moving nowpointer outside any clip via click. Fixed.
* Fix: Perspectives: Near plane factor does not change center shift anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant value editing after adding an effect fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer can again hold multiple non-Notch resources.
* Fix: Service: Service properties are applied to restarted client correctly.
* Fix: Timeline: Math input to timeline prameters fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Resource revelation in tree loads inspector even if resource was already selected.
* Fix: Timeline: Do not make transport param dominant when assigning object to layer.
* Fix: Screen: Unwanted cross slection of screen between Screen tab and Compositing tab fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer and multiple screens. Changing assign screens of led to missing output. Fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Cluster nodes which no longer have a viewport are not added to config file.
* Fix: Resource: Color space changes are applied to multi selection.
* Fix: File Transfer: Ignoring local drives fixed.
* Fix: Color: Disable not applicable combo box entries if OCIO is loaded.
* Fix: Control: Check for rename if first char of module is a number.
* Fix: Resource: Selected font index handling corrected to avoid possible crash.
* Fix: Engine: Backbuffer bit depth can't be smaller than output bit depth.
* Fix: Resource: Crash if non integer is typed in DMX Id. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Color resource is now working with OCIO configuration.
* Fix: Timeline: Insert time is now working at 0 and clips which have equal start time are shifted too.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline export: inpoint editing corrected.
* Fix: GUI: Inspector update fixed when switching between display and LED.
* Fix: Resource: Possible crash fixed if live input resource has currently no stream.


Pixera 1.8.71
2 May 2022



* Brush: Control: Update module from library (limited to modules which are fully defined in one json file).* Brush: Control: Outdated module SimpleUI removed.
* Brush: Control: Module update supports directory orientation, more robust handling of directory-oriented modules when new names are generated, preparations for module structure comparison dialog.
* Brush: Control: Project dirtied after module update.
* Brush: Unreal: Pixera connect plug in with new connection and sync approach.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Option added to keep reprojected inner frustum undistorted.
* Brush: Control: Module update from library includes difference dialog.
* Brush: Control: Module update dialog warns that aux directories may have changed.
* Brush: Unreal: Render API settable.
* Brush: Unreal: NDisplay: GPU Index per viewport settable. 'MaxGPUCount' added to launch params.
* Brush: SMPTE: Prevent from sending timecode during Pixera start and mode change if no timeline is running.
* Brush: API: Multiple new commands added.
* Brush: Settings: Color/OCIO: Removed inconsistent "Active" button.
* Brush: Installer: RXInterop.dll moved from 'data' to 'RX/RXInterop' directory.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Reprojected studio camera background texture with spatial information can be redruced in size to safe performance.
* Brush: Color Management: Show ocio exception description thrown in gui as user notification.
* Brush: Engine: GraphicsDevice configuration not automatically applied anymore. Needs explicit user interaction.
* Brush: Engine: Output color bits settable to 16bit float even if HDR is not supported by NvAPI.
* Brush: Control: Module "CueAppliedActions" updated.
* Brush: Compositing: Compositing resource: Allow different view transformation for inner compositing and outputs.
* Brush: API: Control modules using the Direct API are automatically reloaded when there are changes in the project that influence Direct API usage for the module.
* Brush: Control: Module "Formula" updated.
* Brush: Control: Multi-line module property display.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Color correction on wall is switched with one frame delay after cut.
* Brush: DMX: Resources can be assigned with fade on single layer. Fade duration settable between 0 - 25.5 seconds.
* Brush: Control: Double space interpreted as new line in read-only module properties.
* Brush: Preview: Preview color transformation settable.
* Brush: SMPTE: Level meter added for incoming timecode in SMPTE settings.
* Brush: Control: Module "ConvertToArray" and "ConvertFromArray" added.
* Brush: Control: Module "PixeraIO" updated.
* Brush: Timeline: Timeline Export: Color space settable. EXR added as output format.
* Brush: Unreal: Hide in for/background working with ndisplay sync approach (including support for layers).
* Brush: Control: Module "PixeraHub" added.
* Brush: Screen: Performance improvements when navigating in workspace.
* Brush: Control: Module "Loupedeck" added.
* Brush: API: Added TypeHint to new created Properties.
* Brush: Mapping: Import mapping feeds from csv file.
* Brush: Timeline: Export timeline for all screens at the same time possible.
* Brush: Help: Link to knowledge base added.
* Brush: Avio: Add "Volume" channel to glue.
* Brush: Control: Only editable properties are carried over when device is updated from library.
* Brush: Control: Prevent of creating action or folder if name already exist.
* Brush: Colors: OCIO updated to version 2.1.
* Brush: Unreal: URL parameters settable.
* Brush: Resource: Show codec name in inspector.
* Brush: Timeline: Cues can hold additional information.
* Brush: Control: Polling argument added to polling module.
* Brush: Unreal: Kill running UE instances based on process id



* Fix: Unreal: Fixed applying incoming unreal data if it only consists of one pram.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. When two jump cues were closer than preload time, nowpointer sometimes jumped to infinity. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. After using "Ignore Next Cue" the following jump cue did not work correctly. Fixed.
* Fix: Service: Video stream life cycle on project change fixed if new project contains the same video streams.
* Fix: Mapping: Node base output routing: Fixed service node position after project load.
* Fix: Engine: Live input enumeration fixed if multiple Deltacast input cards are present.
* Fix: Notch: Lifecycle issues with notch blocks fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed scene element in nDisplay config.
* Fix: Workspace: Marquee selection of cameras in inner compositing fixed.
* Fix: Service: Preview service is not terminated if discovery ip is set to
* Fix: Notch: Screen perspective as input to exposed camera fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Screen group member selection in tree fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Cues. Goal cue of "jump to label" did send no apply() to API. Fixed.
* Fix: Control: Dynamic module rebuild retains order of passed-in elements (CueAppliedActions can ensure generated actions are ordered by time).
* Fix: Timeline: Inspector: Changes of blending mode via inspector were only applied to a single layer, even when multiple layers were selected. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Removed deprecated approach for filtering plugin instances.
* Fix: Resource: Compositing resource: Navigation in inner compositing is working again.
* Fix: Resource: Compositing resource: Camera position is applied after startup.
* Fix: Live Input: Current video stream mode is requested for every input stream. NDI did not list audio channels.
* Fix: Engine: NDI Audio processing fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not being able to edit dmx id in folders.
* Fix: Engine: NDI audio processing enabled without local engine outputs in fullscreen.
* Fix: Timeline: Standard effects working again.
* Fix: SMPTE: Smpte out: wrong time by Jumps.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Jump to inactive pause/stop cause paused/stopped transport. Fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Layer selection not rendered in outer compositing anymore.
* Fix: Unreal: Possible crash wehen launching Unreal Engine fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Jump into free loop clip did not start clock directly when jump cue was close to but not within the goal clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Jump into free loop clip did not start loop at correct time. Fixed.Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Jump into free loop clip sometimes shows some black frames.
* Fix: File Transfer: Failed non-resource file tranfer tasks were not removed correctly. Fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: MaxGPUCount in nDisplay config fixed.
* Fix: Control: "Use Limits" fixed.
* Fix: Art-Net: Default for Art-Net broadcast address is now set to correctly.
* Fix: Screens: Possible crash with very low screen resolutions fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Do not change lens properties like fov from DirectApi if disabled in GUI.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Set Extension: Camera pose also set for mask TargetMapping.
* Fix: Art-Net: Art-Net Output: Unsupported sync option disabled in inspector if sACN is enbaled. Do not override ip address for sACN if broadcast is enabled.
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed scene element in nDisplay config.
* Fix: Compositing: Inner compositing camera initialization fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Do not change associated screen's camera update behavior if perspective transformation is not controlled by XrCamera.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Mapping size and position fixed if output resolution differs from camera resolution.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Multiple enabling and disabling background reprojection does not delete screen mapping anymore.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Direct API: Set extension eye point delay is now also applied to foreground.
* Fix: API: Possible wrong countdown to cue fixed.
* Fix: API: Fixed creating already existing folder again.
* Fix: Control: Control Standalone Version was not able to enter Settings
* Fix: Screen: Do not split large meshes on import automatically.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Overscan in lens parameters corrected. Lens distortion uses overscan correctly.
* Fix: Colors: Ocio profiles selectable for timeline export.
* Fix: Colors: Color clipping values are set for all relevant color transforms.
* Fix: Colors: Color space for Unreal resource selectable in inspector.
* Fix: Api: Newly created reosurce folders fixed.
* Fix: SMPTE: If hardware is disconnecting input signal level is switched off.
* Fix: Unreal: Do not always apply sdr to hdr scaling factor.
* Fix: Preview: Preview engine no longer shows features as unlicensed despite adequate license on preview system.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Possible freeze fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Feed import from csv files: Comma as delimiter accepted. Imported names are not changed. User notification on mal formed input format.



Pixera 1.8.45
14 March 2022



* Brush: Notch: Notch text parameters are now supported.
* Brush: Timeline: Data layer. Add "Add Data Layer -> Perspective 2D for All Screens" to context menu of timeline structure.
* Brush: Timeline: Perspective2D Layer. Adding new clip wrongly repositioned the frustum. Fixed.
* Brush: Engine: Latency settable for output mappings.
* Brush: Engine: CEF: Upload to multiple GPUs.
* Brush: Unreal: Resolution factor for production viewports settable.
* Brush: Control: Control standalone in multi-license context only sets Control version.
* Brush: Unreal: Pux FX are not loaded by Unreal Compositing Layer anymore. Unreal Output Device is now used for sharing textures.
* Brush: Timeline: Added shortcut 'C' for "Horizontal scroll to Nowpointer".
* Brush: Timeline: Duplicate timeline without clips and cues.
* Brush: Timeline: Clip movement can be locked horizontally and vertically via timeline button bar.
* Brush: Timeline: X and Y parameters of scale can be linked via inspector button.
* Brush: Timeline: Clip Speed Factor. Dragging slider to the left represents negative factors.
* Brush: Timeline: Directly show inspector of layer after creation. Directly show inspector of keys/clips after creation with shortcut 'N'.
* Brush: Timeline: Added shortcut 'F2' for renaming selected cue.
* Brush: API: Ndisplay config creation/distribution added to API.
* Brush: Timeline: Added shortcut 'F2' and context menu entry for renaming layer.
* Brush: Control: Module PJ Link: param for reconnectTimeout added in source.
* Brush: Unreal: Option to load 4.27 projects always shown. Target version is automatically selected.
* Brush: Unreal: RXInterop.dll can be copied to local project or engine.
* Brush: Control: Module PJ Link: added athentification.
* Brush: Timeline: Resource which is assigned as dominant value to resource parameter (in GUI, from Control or DMX) can cross fade with previously assigned resource.
* Brush: APIAPI test page can list existing functions.
* Brush: Control: Several updates to existing modules. New modules for vMix, Playback Pro Plus and sACN.
* Brush: Timeline: Cue "network commands" can run Pixera Control actions.
* Brush: Compositing: Addtional snapping mode for perspectives based on UV coordinates of Screen added.
* Brush: Control: Improve UI-Builder: Additional null checks 
* Brush: Control: Allow selection of more available functions in SbExpression. 
* Brush: Unreal: Outer frustum resolution can be changed in nDisplay configuration.
* Brush: Settings: Option in discovery settings to only start engines on clients manually.
* Brush: API: Engine reset, restart, close and start accessible via API.
* Brush: API: More information on remote systems via API.
* Brush: Unreal: ICVFX camera dialog brushed.
* Brush: Control: Setting action body dirties project.
* Brush: Effects: New mask effect added.
* Brush: API: Added Pixera.Timelines.Layer.getSpatialParametersAtTime.
* Brush: Project: Save-as adds the project to list of recent projects.
* Brush: Engine: Deprecated or experimental NvApi HDR modes removed from UI.
* Brush: Unreal: ICVFX camera parameters set from Control/DirectApi.
* Brush: Engine : EXR implementation optimized.
* Brush: Engine: Decklink: Current stream mode implemented.
* Brush: Timeline: Frame blending width controllable by factor per clip.
* Brush: Engine: Color:  Transfer Characteristics added for SMPTE ST 2084 (PQ) and ARIB STD-B67 (HLG)
* Brush: Engine: Color: Value range for internal color calculations settable.
* Brush: Preview: Color: Tone Mapping can be enabled for Preview.
* Brush: Settings: Color: Default color settings not selectable if OCIO is enabled.
* Brush: GUI: Better distinguishability between activated and deactivated state of mute-audio and mute-video buttons.
* Brush: Engine: Unreal: When streaming textures to Unreal Engine sync with DWM is disabled.
* Brush: Engine: Quality of frame blending improved.
* Brush: Database: LED database updated.
* Brush: Mapping: Pixel mapping source rects can be copied.
* Brush: Settings: Moved color settings from 'General' to new category 'Color'.
* Brush: API: Multiple new timeline, resource and live system related commands added.    



* Fix: GUI: Some layer elements were not updated correctly in Inspector. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Perspective2D. Creating stepped events as default was broken sometimes. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Studio camera compositing output working more reliably immediately after setup.
* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when readding outputs to active screens and feet rect memento is applied.
* Fix: Timeline: Perspective2D: A lot of missing updates when moving perspectives in preview were added. After project load the layer was not connected to its screen anymore. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Text parameter: Wrong timing of keys when clips were not positioned in timeline time 0. Fixed. Inspector showed value slider. Removed.
* Fix: Effects: Gamma FX: Check value ranges to avoid undefined behaviour.
* Fix: Timeline: Resize clip. Entering auto-scroll area of timeline led to repositioning of clip instead of resizing. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Perspective 2D. Events created via shortcut "N" did not had joint kind "step". Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer creation indicator line vanished while dragging resource over timeline structure. 
* Fix: Timeline: Closed Controls were not up to date when opened. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Video output streams which were inactive stay inactive after project load.
* Fix: Audio: Problems with ASIO device selection fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Perspective2D. Sometimes dominant values were not created when changing perspective in preview. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible engine crash when connecting to master fixed.
* Fix: Audio: Problems with ASIO device selection fixed.
* Fix: Color Calibration: LUT corruption avoided when existing color calibration is restarted.
* Fix: Mapping: Deleting a mapping clears the output in mapping creator.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash fixed when clients disconnect while receiving tracking data.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash when initializing digital audio sources fixed.
* Fix: Engine : sACN output with CID.
* Fix: Unreal: RXInterop.dll copy to bundle or engine fixed. DLL is also copied to configured render nodes.
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed not saving used ICVFX camera.
* Fix: Control: Stale library export path avoided after module rename.
* Fix: Live Input: Video stream restores settings correctly after reload.
* Fix: Timeline: Fade to time via rightclick menu on Time Bar was broken. Fixed
* Fix: Unreal: Possible crash fixed when opening nDisplay config editor without nodes in config.
* Fix: Timeline: Engine was not updated while dragging clips. Fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Possible freeze when patching timeline fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Wrong colors with HAP-Q Alpha fixed.
* Fix: Vioso: Blend feather automatically deactivated for 360° blending. Sampling set to nearest.
* Fix: Engine: Possible freeze when closing window fixed.
* Fix: Control: Possible crash in Midi module fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash with Decklink input cards fixed when input card was also used with DirectShow.
* Fix: Unreal: Lens parameter forwarding corrected.
* Fix: Unreal: Missing information in nDisplay config added for UE 4.27.
* Fix: Unreal: Stored ip address of nDisplay preview node updated if address changed.
* Fix: Engine: Video output streams show display info in correct orientation.
* Fix: Mapping: Problems with generated output streams after project load fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Compositing inspector vanished after creation of keys from dominant values. Fixed.
* Fix: Screen: Snapping to uv coordinates fixed for complex screen models.
* Fix: GUI: Performance on application startup improved when clients connect to director.
* Fix: Engine: Possible deadlock with NotchLC encoded videos fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Performance issues in timeline library when receiving external input fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Wrong icon in output routing tab removed.
* Fix: GUI: Layout in nDisplay config popup fixed.




Pixera 1.8.29
26 Jan 2022


 * Feature: Engine: OCIO color configuration usable.




* Brush: Timeline: Event joint kind "step". 
* Brush: Unreal: PixeraConnect plug in: Streaming level change is now possible. 
* Brush: Unreal: nDisplay command line arguments can be set by user. 
* Brush: Control: UI-Builder: "Apply With Jump" in Playlist Editor   
* Brush: Timeline: Scroll to nowpointer after zooming. 
* Brush: Timeline: Zooming to mouse position via "Alt + +/-" or "Strg + Alt + MouseWheel". 
* Brush: Timeline: Several multi selection brushes for Layers. 
* Brush: Timeline: No yellow drop indicator line when dragging resource library fxs. 
* Brush: GUI: Resource library: Several brushes of button bar and context menu. 
* Brush: Studio Camera: Set extension and foreground frustum can be scaled by a factor. 
* Brush: Control: Better editing of x, y, width and height for a control in the inspector of UI-Builder. 
* Brush: Timeline: Grouping params that represent a group of colors (RGBA). Present color selector to user when clicking param label. 
* Brush: Notch: Notch timeline applies playback mode of clip. 
* Brush: Notch: Timeline subfolders for exposed Notch parameters with respect to their group name. 
* Brush: Control: Cef added Dpi Scaling Factor. 
* Brush: DMX: Opacity as Dimmer option writes a "true" dimmer channel for GrandMA 3. 
* Brush: FX: Additional Cropping FX with hard edges added which discards cropped pixels instead of setting them transparent. 
* Brush: FX: Effects are mutable. 
* Brush: Workspace: Screen aligned layers are not rendered in Inner Compositing. 
* Brush: Timeline: Layers writing to depth buffer can be disabled. Layer depth test func settable. 
* Brush: Unreal: Blueprint events can be triggered through the api. 
* Brush: DMX: Rotation will be set in 0.5 degree increments instead of 1.0. 
* Brush: Engine: Color chromaticities and transfer characteristics settable for Video Stream outputs. 
* Brush: Workspace: VideoStream outputs can be dragged into workspace. 
* Brush: Unreal: Unreal device and output stream added to GUI.



* Fix: Unreal: Registration of dash game mode instances fixed. 
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed always adding entries to level list if new unreal instances are connected. 
* Fix: GUI: Fold state of collapsible component in mapping inspector fixed. 
* Fix: API: DirectApi: Only layers with origin set to "Home Screen" and visibility set to "Only Home Screen" are changed by DirectApi screen transformation input. 
* Fix: DMX: Added missing attribute entry for volume param in gdtf which led to crash in GrandMA. 
* Fix: GUI: Line height and openness state of timeline is stored and applied again. 
* Fix: License: Avoid crash when module count must be reduced on project load due to license limitations. 
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed not being able to control actor in main level if unreal project has streaming levels. 
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed not showing which streaming level is currently loaded. 
* Fix: Audio: Fixed selecting wrong audio device when multiple devices with same name but different drivers are available.  
* Fix: Control: UI-Builder: Datatype conversion in Api Selection fixed.  
* Fix: GUI: Refresh buttons of Color Corrections in projector Inspector showed incorrect state. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Zooming into and out of timeline via shortcuts +/- behaved counterintuitively. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Do not cancel domination state of position/rotation/scale params when muting layer. 
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline Library: Unselected timeline was selected when pressing transport button. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Audio: Backwards compatibility was broken when moving audio clips from 1.6 layers to newer ones. Fixed. 
* Fix: Notch: Timeline Inspector: Notch parameters were not editable/shown in "Fx" tab. Fixed. 
* Fix: Notch: Option "Preload Effects Permanently" did not work anymore. Fixed. 
* Fix: GUI: Selected pane layout was not applied correctly. Fixed. 
* Fix: Control: UI renaming on signature change only takes place if old signature was valid. 
* Fix: Screens: Mapping corrected for screens associated with Studio Camera after uv coordinates creation from perspective was disabled. 
* Fix: Mapping: Node base output routing: Fixed accidentally deleting connections to displays or LEDs by clicking on it. 
* Fix: GUI: Studio camera: Color correction controls in inspector are now independent regarding openness state. 
* Fix: Engine: Avoid unnecessary updates towards render engine when tab in user interface is changed. Changes could lead to flickering in output. 
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not setting right footprint for layer transport param when autopatch is used. 
* Fix: Timeline: Automatic fading from "Free Play" clip into overlapping clip. There was a flash of the already out faded video at the beginning of the second clip. Bug fixed. 
* Fix: GUI: Fixed not applying layout correctly and not updating layout button in sequence. 
* Fix: Control: Textbox in UI-Builder stores linked action correclty now. 
* Fix: Control: Call extension Refreshed when removing a function. This should solve problems with initialization. 
* Fix: Control: UI-Builder Calendar displays dates in PST timezone correctly now. 
* Fix: Timeline: Domination values. Store with clear (Alt + S) did not clear events when key existed at nowpointer. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Stepped Keys. Sometimes stepped keys were applied one frame to late (caused by time rounding errors). Bug fixed. 
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not clearing mute channel set before regenerating patch export. 
* Fix: DMX: Fixed using wrong and deprecated values in xml exporter for layer transport. 
* Fix: GUI: Fixed not saving state of sequence in control tab. 
* Fix: Timeline: Data Layer. Clips could not be copied correctly. Bug fixed. 
* Fix: Resources: Fixed not being able to set DMX id for folders containing live inputs. 
* Fix: GUI: Data Layer. Inspector did not show params. Fixed. 
* Fix: Timeline: Preview Editing. Dropped resource on screen created clip at Main Nowpointer instead of Editing Nowpointer. Bug fixed. 
* Fix: Workspace: Invisible parts of notification bar do not intercept mouse events anymore. 
* Fix: Control: CEF: Fix for DPI Scaling, mousepostition fixed 
* Fix: Timeline: Scrolling. Horizontal scrollbar and "clips while dragging resources" could be positioned incorrectly when timeline is scrolled out most left position. Bug fixed. 
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed not selecting correct level in unreal. 
 * Fix: Engine: Audio device enumeration after engine reset fixed.



Pixera 1.8.20
13 Dec 2021



* Brush: Timeline: Event joint kind "step".
* Brush: Mapping: Create new feed source with same attributes as last one on double click.
* Brush: Mapping: Double click creates new source feed with same attributes as previous one. DMX patch is auto generated.
* Brush: Timeline: Dynamic timeline duration.
* Brush: Screens: Dynamic screens: Mapping updates can be triggered for all screens at once.
* Brush: API: Methods to Get or Set Timeline Layer Volume.
* Brush: Timeline: Timeline Opacity Icon in Button Bar Now Indicates Zero Opacity.
* Brush: Projectors: Freeze mapping option added to initial values.
* Brush: Screens: Active screens can be assigned to aggregate outputs.
* Brush: Mapping: Output mappings can render alpha as grayscale.
* Brush: Control:  Fix escaping of string attribute value.
* Brush: Control: Update CueApplied and add SendText module.
* Brush: Timeline: Jump cues: default preload time set to 5 sec.
* Brush: Live Inputs: DirectShow driver config dialog can be opened from inspector.
* Brush: DMX: Multiple UI brushes for DMX patching state.
* Brush: Control: Added descriptions to modules.
* Brush: Engine: HAP-R is now supported.
* Brush: Control: FileWatcherDemo added.
* Brush: DMX: Transport speed index offset by one from transport param again.
* Brush: Engine: Multi sample count can be set for outputs.
* Brush: Timeline: Scroll timeline horizontally when dragging clips to the left or right border.
* Brush: Mapping: Dynamic softedge orientation can be set by user.
* Brush: Mapping: Dynamic softedge: Gamma value can be changed in UI.
* Brush: APIAPI method added to create folder structure in resource tree.



* Fix: Timeline: Data Layer: Perspective 2D: Selected screen was lost after project load and some other actions. Fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Live input in studio camera takes color space settings into account.
* Fix: Mapping: Projector color correction is applied to multiple mappings.  
* Fix: Engine: Possible audio crackling fixed when playing multiple audio files in parallel.
* Fix: Mapping: More errors with color corrections on multiple mappings fixed.  
* Fix: Control: Save As copies aux directories.
* Fix: Workspace: Hidden projector frustum stays invisible. Invisible screen or projector is deselected in workspace.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Remove invalid outputs if new output is assigned.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Live input- and set extension mask screen cannot be selected as layer's home screen.
* Fix: Screen: Locking content resolution to physical resolution again changes resolution.
* Fix: Timeline: Preview Editing. Preview View incorrect after Adding a New Layer. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: SMPTE In. Cues were ignored even when there was no sending SMPTE device or when SMPTE was disabled in settings. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Nodes based output routing: node size was set to zero in some situations. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Data Layer: now pointer moving to far after reaching pause cue led to triggered actions in Control. Fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Parameters loaded from pdtf file now have a footprint depending on the value range.
* Fix: Timeline: Control and SMPTE Out. Published Nowpointer Times could be incorrect after reaching pause cue. Fixed.
* Fix: Screens: Edited perspective's position is preserved on updates.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Possible crash when restarting service fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Several missing multi selection operations added for selected perspectives.
* Fix: Screens: Possible serialization error when loadings screens from project fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Follow Nowpointer. More robust behavior.
* Fix: Timeline: Structure Nodes (Layers and Paramaters). Height Changes Were Not Applied Correctly on First Try When Changed via Drag&Drop.
* Fix: Timeline: Zoom and Scrolling. Existent areas of timeline could not be scrolled to after zooming in and out.
* Fix: Timeline: Fading not aborted anymore when stopping timeline. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Change play mode via Timeline Library Buttons. The wrong transport head changed playmode while timeline being in Preview Edit. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Fx dropped on cue layer created layer-open-close button. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Button Bar. "Follow Nowpointer", "Key Movement Lock", and "Cut Tool" buttons sometimes did not show their actual state ((in)active). Fixed.
* Fix: DMX: "Unmute all" and "Blend to cue" for DMX input fixed.
* Fix: Control: ArtNetUniOut: Support decimal values too.
* Fix: API: LiveSystem instance can deliver output instances.
* Fix: Mapping: Warps which changed "Perspective Corners as Frame" while being edited are loaded correctly.
* Fix: Timeline: Export: Workspace export only created full transparent frames/pictures. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Export: Inpoint and outpoint labels did not accept some valid values. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Blend map sampling corrected.
* Fix: Engine: Output mapping edge sampling corrected.
* Fix: GUI: Timeline vanishing after switching app mode fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Reprojected studio camera background does not repeat edge pixels anymore.


Pixera 1.8.3
10 Nov 2021



* Brush: Timeline: Timeline Library: Changes in playback or time are applied to all selected Timeline nodes.
* Brush: GUI: Disable content rendering as a sub option of disable workspace rendering.
* Brush: GUI: Blend Modes: Combo box entries in inspector brushed.
* Brush: API: Methods for services, graphicsdevices, outputs and videostreams.



* Fix: Timeline: Preview Edit. Wrong Representation of Nowpointers after Adding Layer during Preview Editing. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Transport Keys. Pixera Freezed When Key with Playback Speed 0 Was Positioned at Zeroth Frame of a Clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Possible errors when hiding objects in foreground or background fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed resuming transfer tasks even if the target was no longer in target map of resource.
* Fix: GUI: Item deselection via Strg + Click did not work correctly. Fixed.
* Fix: API: Direct API: Screen transformation: Wrong scaling removed from home screen transform.


Pixera 1.8.1



* Brush: Timeline: No Volume Parameter for Compositing Layers.



* Fix: Timeline: Notch: Block was still visible after clip deletion. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Notch: Jumps within blocks that contain video samplers lead to wrong playback times of sampler. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Default Fx. Conflicts between different pixera versions. Default fx were not considered as default fxs. Fixed.


Pixera 1.8.0
2 Nov 2021



* Brush: Settings: Intermediate color space: Restart-after-change hint for user.
* Brush: DMX: Possibility to change "Zero Based Indices" moved back to patching dialog.
* Brush: Control: String reported for boolean value change to true/false.
* Brush: Control: SimpleMidi: fixed In and Out device property.
* Brush: Timeline: Cues. Engine-notice mechanism of upcoming jump and pause cues was knocked out sometimes. Fixed.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Near/far plane of set extension can be changed.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Visibility of different render results can be changed.



* Fix: Presence: Manage license button available again.
* Fix: Timeline: When jump cues were used on multiple timelines, the shown now pointer times were incorrect. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Intermediate color space transfer characteristic was not applied correctly for outputs. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Publish timeline param as pixc leads to disabled play mode combo box in clip inspector.
* Fix: Timeline: Scrubbing in locked-to-time clip over free-loop clip led to unexpected behavior of locked-to-time clip. Fixed.
* Fix: DMX: Auto transform editor: DMX footprint corrected.
* Fix: Timeline: Notch Block on Compositing Layer Was Still Visible after Timeline Stop. Fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera : Problems with set extension rendering fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Added missing file type "ac3" for file chooser dialog.
* Fix: Resources: Fixed importing various non image sequence files as image sequence.
* Fix: Screens: Inspector of Active Screens. Clearing assigned outputs via Clear-Button next to label did not update engine. Outputs were still active. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: LUT-File-Path control did not work correctly. Fixed.
* Fix: Control: Parameter values can now be set over Direct API using Control.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Clips in Free Play Once restarted playback when there were jumps within the clip with finite blend duration. Fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed setting resource tree to wrong line height when switching view from "Live" to "Library" tab.
* Fix: GUI: Library Tree: When searching in tree all nodes will be opened, view will be reset when search field is empty again.
* Fix: Live Input: Problems with live input preview fixed when deactivating all engine outputs or loading new projects.
* Fix: GUI: Timeline scrolled when scrolling via mouse wheel in resource library. Fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Showing only reprojected background on associated screens in preview fixed.
* Fix: Control: Gate accessible to other Pixera Control systems.
* Fix: Warping: Problems with Vioso calibration leading to stop of calibration process fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Positioning problems after startup fixed.
* Fix: Notch: Timeline opacity does not effect Notch blocks on compositing layer.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline-Scrolling. Nowpointer in combination with "Follow Now Pointer" was drawn at wrong positions. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Fixed not automatically distributing custom effect when applied to layer.

Pixera 1.8.rc7:

* Brush: Mapping: Automatic creation of projector to screen mappings can be disabled.
* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Mappings can be destroyed or created manually for projectors if automatic mapping creation is disbaled.
* Brush: Control: SPnet changed default adapter from localhost to any.
* Brush: Engine: Art-Net: Support for Nets added to increase number of adressable universes.
* Brush: Engine: Art-Net: Output with 16bit per color channel is now supported.
* Brush: API: Direct API: Screen transformation via Direct API now also transform perspective if "Perspectives follow Screen Positions" is enabled for screen group.
* Brush: Mapping: Projector library with details in table next to tree.
* Brush: Timeline: Adapt layer position, rotation and xy scale to chosen screen.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Spatial calibration can set either screen pos or camera pos (with offset to tracking input).
* Brush: Unreal: Set launch mode of unreal resources automatically to dash game if uproject file was loaded.
* Brush: Unreal: Unreal editor path can be set as initial value.

* Fix: Control: Stage precision module now has license information.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Connection output visible for projectors created after drag and drop of output.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Do not list preview streams in live input selection.
* Fix: GUI: Possible problems with project path opened by double cklicking on file in windows explorer fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Possible lifecycle problems of unreal instance on local node fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: NDisplay configuration for set extension on client fixed.
* Fix: Project: Project incompatibility fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Reprojection of background to LED fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Wrong content scale when nowpointer starts before the clip fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Possible crash fixed when reassigning output.
* Fix: Mapping: Unwanted screen feed selection fixed when viewed screen is changed.
* Fix: GUI: Fixed setting resource tree to narrow mode affecting table in mapping tree.
* Fix: Timeline: Sampler params. Resource filename was still visible after remove of resource. Fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Now, right click context menu on timeline snippet is disabled.
* Fix: Engine: Possible problems with NDI outputs running out of resources fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Problems with 12 bit and alpha channels fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash fixed if video input was not found.

Pixera 1.8.rc1:

* Feature: Engine: Datapath live input cards are now supported.
* Feature: Engine: Liveinput Preview
* Feature: Mapping: Node-based input/output routing UI.
* Feature: Mapping: Black level correction based on soft edge for projector mappings available.
* Feature: Engine: New Unreal Engine texture sharing.
* Feature: Control: AdsPixeraIO (Beckhoff) for Digital IO added.
* Feature: Control: Added Dmx support to IoCore.
* Feature: Control: User management with the Portal module.
* Feature: Control: Timeline editor control in UI Builder.
* Feature: Control: Remoting: use modules on other sytems (experimental).
* Feature: Control: CSS editing for UI Builder display customization.
* Feature: Control: Custom controls can be added to UI Builder.
* Feature: Control: Multiple pages and per-client navigation in UI Builder.
* Feature: Control: Value input to UIB controls from actions (testable with horizontal slider).
* Feature: Control: Low level MIDI available.
* Feature: Engine: Color correction for outputs.
* Feature: Engine: Texture sharing with Unreal Engine.
* Feature: Resources: Web browser resource added.
* Feature: Resources: Search and Replace Files
* Feature: Resource: Mipmapping (higher quality of scaled resources)
* Feature: Compositing: Compositing resources for Unreal, Unity and Notch.
* Feature: Compositing: UI Layout adjustable

* Brush: Calibration: Projector marker calibration can be used to adjust screen transformation.
* Brush: DMX: If a invalid resource id is sent, the resource assignment will be reset.
* Brush: Control: Code editor shows when action content has been changed and remembers changed content when moving back and forth between actions.
* Brush: Control: Inspector for action properties and documentation.  
* Brush: GUI: Projectors and screens in venue searchable in library tree. Library tree sorted by signature for projectors and screens.
* Brush: Resource: DMX id in resource table.
* Brush: DMX: Layer playback speed controllable over DMX.
* Brush: Projector: Projector visibility in workspace settable.
* Brush: Control: Value label indentation (e.g. the point at which the attribute entry field starts) can be set for each action slot.
* Brush: Control: Code inspector immediately updated when body is auto-generated for newly-set attribute kind.
* Brush: Control: Move selection from action node slot to next action node slot with up/down arrow keys.
* Brush: Control: Dispatch table builder accessible from action inspector.
* Brush: Resource: Live input resources show  audio channel count and sample rate.
* Brush: Control: Action copy/paste via Ctrl+C/V.
* Brush: Mapping: Black out projector or active screen output.
* Brush: Mapping: Assigned outputs can be cleared more easily with single button.
* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Pop-Up menu for nodes and nodeslots
* Brush: Engine: Deltacast Redist Version 6.18 integrated
* Brush: Resource: Possibilty to clear all distribution targets for resources and folders.
* Brush: Live Input: Link count settable for Deltacast SDI Live Input.
* Brush: Control: Modules can be added to library by dragging files from explorer.
* Brush: DMX: Zero or one based indices for all DMX related settings now in initial values.
* Brush: Control: Serial protocol can be configured (via Lua code) to use direct callbacks.
* Brush: Video Playback: Use hardware decoding for all codec levels.
* Brush: Video Playback: More robust recognition of decoding failures.
* Brush: Timeline: Rename unnamed cues to cue number via popup menu of cue layer.
* Brush: Unreal Plugin: Unreal plugin uses main network adapter as set in in discovery settings.
* Brush: Control: More styling options in UI Builder.
* Brush: Timeline: Horizontally scroll timeline when nowpointer is dragged to the left/right border.
* Brush: Control: Stage Precision module with UI to manage object learning.
* Brush: Unreal: Unreal projects can be launched from Pixera inspector (nDisplay launcher and listener no longer needed).
* Brush: Timeline: Domination Values: Store and remove other keys via "Click + Alt", "S + Alt", and popup menu.
* Brush: Timeline: Clips drag copy. Copies instead of original clips are selected while dragging.
* Brush: Color Correction: Unsupported transfer characteristics not displayed in UI anymore.
* Brush: Mapping: Visibility of all soft edges can be toggled at once.
* Brush: Engine: Very large images can now be displayed with Pixera Mini.
* Brush: Control: Style Editor: Font color, size and alignment can be edited. Custom CSS with syntax highlighting and auto completion.
* Brush: Control: Font of default theme settable.
* Brush: Mapping: Softedge and FFD control point offset always one pixel if using keyboard input.
* Brush: Engine: Interpolation of rotation data sent via Direct API improved.
* Brush: GUI: Mouse wheel zoom for inner softedge, screen feeds and marker calibration brushed.
* Brush: Control: Modules that use the Direct API support intermediate script modules.
* Brush: Control: Style Editor: Border editable for individual controls. Background color selectable. Rset improved.
* Brush: Control: More debugging information displayed if problem with custom style occures.
* Brush: Control: Styles and designs with selectable font.
* Brush: Control: Editing of Labels and MonitorLabels with the style editor improved.
* Brush: Control: Text of UI Controls can be changed on double click in Edit Mode.
* Brush: Timeline: Separate volume parameter for layer.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Live input latency added.
* Brush: Resource: AC3 format accepted (no waverform displayed in timeline).
* Brush: Studio Camera: Set extension color correction is now applied correctly.
* Brush: API: Virtual world launch support added to API.
* Brush: Engine: Allow to select GPU affinity None.
* Brush: Engine: Additional dynamic softedge parameters available.
* Brush: Dialogs: Keyboard navigation and focus handling in dialogs made more consistent.
* Brush: Color Correction: More color correction options.
* Brush: Control: Make use of CSS Variables for better styling in UI Builder custom themes.
* Brush: Control: Implemented Ctrl + A for selecting all controls in UI Builder.
* Brush: Control: Added zoom and loop icons for resource browser in UI Builder.
* Brush: Control: Pasting an element in UI Builder multiple times changes its position.
* Brush: Control: Z-Index of Controls can now be edited throgh the buttons "Send to Back", "Send Backward", "Bring Forward", "Bring to Front".
* Brush: Control: New color modes "Restore Default" and "Transparent" added to color picker in UI Builder.
* Brush: API: Text resource measurement functions added.
* Brush: Timeline: Selection. Select all cues and clips via Timeline Popup Menu.
* Brush: Timeline: Duplicate Layer. Dominant resources conserved on duplicated layer.
* Brush: Engine: Bind swap barrier' can be enabled for outputs.
* Brush: Engine: Unreal: Textures streamed to Unreal use linear transfer characteristics.
* Brush: Settings: Save also settings when project was saved by user.
* Brush: Workspace: Button for opening/closing notifications, clicking on notification in maximized state will trigger on click function if set.
* Brush: Engine: 6/12g sdi video input.
* Brush: Workspace: Global shortcut "F4" to toggle selection mode.
* Brush: Timeline: Clips. Remove all keys via context menu.
* Brush: Timeline: Clips. "Size to Resource Duration" executed for all selected clips
* Brush: Engine: Unreal Engine: Depth buffer sharing implemented.
* Brush: Engine: Unreal Engine: Additional sync options available.
* Brush: Workspace: Global shortcut "F4" to toggle selection mode.
* Brush: API: Lens distortion parameters settable via Direct API.
* Brush: Control: Inter-host device transfer includes auxiliary directories.
* Brush: Control: UI removal cleans auxiliary html_root.
* Brush: Engine: More GPU sync options settable.
* Brush: Devices: Screen and LED databases updated.
* Brush: API: Added function "blendToTimeWithTransportMode(.)".
* Brush: Control: Rectangle control added to UI Builder.
* Brush: Devices: Screen and LED databases updated.
* Brush: Engine: More GPU sync options settable.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Set extension with soft border mask.
* Brush: Engine: CEF: Frameblending added to avoid jumps.
* Brush: Engine: Unreal: Projection matrix is checked to avoid errors in Unreal project.
* Brush: Resources: Web resource performance improved. Texture sharing mechanism settable.
* Brush: Live Input: Live Inputs show resolution and fps in inspector.
* Brush: Engine: Video deinterlacing implemented.
* Brush: Engine: Lost live inputs are restarted automatically.
* Brush: Engine: Embedded audio stream from HDMI input usable.
* Brush: API: Change video stream active state from api.
* Brush: Audio: Add AudioPort if max channel count in settings is larger than AudioPort count in project.
* Brush: Timeline: Compositing layer: More range for origin position.
* Brush: Mapping: Output color transformation with LUT files (*.cube).
* Brush: Resources: Resource color transformation with LUT files (*.cube).
* Brush: Unreal: Color temperature for lights.
* Brush: Timeline: Fade to Time: New mode "Dip to Black".
* Brush: GUI: Timeline Inspector. Fx tab loaded with added FXs.
* Brush: Unreal: Multiple connections to Unreal plug in.
* Brush: GUI: Multiple timeline inspector brsuhes.
* Brush: Control: Connections: Connection table with overview of all connections can be launched from module pane. Double-click on an entry to center its slot.
* Brush: Control: UI Builder: Pages have CSS style and classes settings now. You can directly assign a style to a page without touching a CSS File.
* Brush: Control: UI Builder: "Can Be Toggled" property for button added.
* Brush: Control: Scripting: Automatic connections: Exceptions will not be forwarded on automatic connections (CallRefs that are not called by LUA itself).
* Brush: Timeline: Loaded timeline selectable in timeline above layer structure.
* Brush: Timeline: Duplicate timeline added.
* Brush: Services: Identify outputs without assigning them to ptojectors or screens.
* Brush: Mapping: FFD modifier control points can be displayed on full screen output.
* Brush: Engine: Web Resource performance improved.
* Brush: API: Sequence blend mode settable from API.
* Brush: Unreal: Visibility param will be created for all unreal actor types.
* Brush: Mapping: FFD Modifier: Control point interpolation between corners can be disabled.
* Brush: Timeline: Transport Events. Default of "animate speed" clip property is set to "off".
* Brush: Mapping: Change control point selection with keyboard input.
* Brush: API: Add internal resource and set or get clip playmode added.
* Brush: Timeline: Timeline opacity animation added.
* Brush: Audio: Add AudioPort if max channel count in settings is larger than AudioPort count in project.
* Brush: API: Change video stream active state from api.
* Brush: Timeline: Fade to Time: New mode "Dip to Black".
* Brush: Resources: Text resource: Default font changed.
* Brush: Resources: Icon in resource tree showing current states: Normal, file missing, tasks running.
* Brush: Timeline: Auto fade buttons in button bar.
* Brush: Screens: Existing screen 3d objects can be reloaded or replaced.
* Brush: Control: Monitoring from Pixera API available in Control.
* Brush: Control: Control modules can be reached from Pixera API Json input (via both TCP and HTTP underlying protocols).
* Brush: Control: Portal module uses more secure password hashing algorithm.
* Brush: Control: Instance paths can be separated by slashes instead of periods (allowing resource path specification).
* Brush: Control: More robust device name management (safe and unique names enforced on entry).
* Brush: Settings: Recent projects list.
* Brush: Mapping: Added linear interpolation to FFD Modifier as an option.
* Brush: Resource: User settable standard content directory.
* Brush: Timeline: Clip/Event Multiselection. "Ctrl + Drag" conserves pre-selected clips/events.
* Brush: Studio Camera: Fov factor visualization. Fov factor scales background target resolution if enabled.
* Brush: Timeline: Timeline Library. Create new timeline via double click below last timeline node.
* Brush: Resources: Resource details in table next to library tree.
* Brush: Timeline: Dominant Values. Right click context menu.
* Brush: Timeline: Undo- and redoability of timeline properties that are editable via inspector.
* Brush: Timeline: New jump cue mechanism to ensure seemless jump.
* Brush: Automatic softedge generation does not always delete existing elements.
* Brush: API: Studio camera and perspective transformation settable via direct api.
* Brush: API: Timeline SMPTE mode get/set.
* Brush: Control: Text selection and scrolling in script editor is possible again
* Brush: Control: Fix saving of calendar actions. (Do not lose previously created actions)
* Brush: Control: Improve datatypes of Script Builder. Do not create a string all the time.
* Brush: Control: Fix Monitor Label.
* Brush: Resources: Resources in tree can be sorted by details table columns.
* Brush: GUI: Last window position and size is restored on startup
* Brush: Timeline: Jump Cues. Preload time now editable in general settings.
* Brush: Timeline: Cues. Only Play-Cues apply potentially set wait duration.
* Brush: Control: UI Builder edit bar no longer overlays API menus.
* Brush: Control: UI Builder API menus draggable.
* Brush: Control: Connection presentation mechanism in node UI.
* Brush: API: JSON UDP sink added.
* Brush: Project: Compatibility of projects created in Pixera version 1.4 improved.
* Brush: Project: Backup copy of project file is created if project was last saved in different Pixera version.
* Brush: Timeline: Layer unit scale values for "fit", "fill" and "stretch" are based on size of perspective.
* Brush: Timeline: Changing layer origin to "Absolute" and adapting layer offset is offered to user when editing perspective for the first time and if layers using this perspective as origin exist.
* Brush: Workspace: Grid can be enabled in inner compositing.
* Brush: API: Option to include all live systems in heartbeat.
* Brush: API: Live system (i.e. client) shutdown.
* Brush: Timeline: Playback of videos with embedded audio.
* Brush: Timeline: NDI Audio input usable.
* Brush: DMX: Blend to cue usable with DMX input.
* Brush: Timeline: Transport events in free loop clips.
* Brush: Timeline: Playback speed can be animated.
* Brush: Timeline: Data Layer Perspective2D: Changing perspective in preview creates dominant values.
* Brush: Control: Image and Multibutton controls added to UI Builder.
* Brush: Control: Network and protocol utility libraries reworked.
* Brush: Control: Explicit integer value mode for sliders in UI Builder.
* Brush: API: Several new API functions added.
* Brush: Avio: Pixera2Avio updated.
* Brush: API: Several new API functions added.
* Brush: Avio: Pixera2Avio updated.
* Brush: Control: Node slot styles introduced.
* Brush: Control: More detailed and relevant action script error logging.
* Brush: DMX: Control data can be sent together with color values.
* Brush: API: Transcoding of resources controlable via API.
* Brush: GUI: Projectors with colored frustum/feed rect.
* Brush: Mapping: Footprint of selected warpmesh will be displayed in AutoTransformation window.
* Brush: Mapping: Ideal feed rect default changed.
* Brush: Resources: Replace multiple resources by searching the filesystem.
* Brush: Resources: Replace multiple resources dialog brushed.
* Brush: GUI: Projectors: Shaded frustum can be turned off.
* Brush: Resources: Mipmap generation can be enabled for resources.
* Brush: Settings: Engine settings editable.
* Brush: Notch: Preload notch blocks on media layer permanently.
* Brush: Engine: Cef version changed to 89.0.4389.72
* Brush: Resource: Inspector layout for Unreal resources brushed.
* Brush: Resource: Faster import of image sequences if only dedicated images exist in folder.
* Brush: GUI: GUI performance increased during start up and project load.
* Brush: Timeline: Looped Clips: Inpoint and Outpoint changes via Inspector are applied directly.
* Brush: Color Correction: Tone mapping available.
* Brush: Unreal: Visibility of objects for Unreal instance controlable depending on usage in background or foreground.
* Brush: Live Input: Deltacast SDI Input: Deinterlacing mode settable.
* Brush: Control:  Timelines sub-tab offered in Control tab if timeline display is active.
* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Node position changed by user is saved.
* Brush: Timeline: Looped Clips. Fast Forward via Slider.

* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: All nodes visible also for many (100+)  nodes. Disabled mappings are connected using darker dotted lines.
* Fix: Control: Pixera API namespaces that do not have Control bindings removed from Pixera module.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash after running Pixera a long time in Settings or Control tab fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible problems avoiding engine startup fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible problems avoiding engine startup fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash after running Pixera a long time in Settings or Control tab fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Timeline view was reset by change of timeline FPS. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Outdated output assignment on active screens. Fixed.
* Fix: Control: Changing action order no longer clears attribute value fields.
* Fix: GUI: Possible multi selection problems in library tree fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Selection interacts with tree and workspace selection.
* Fix: Unreal: Networking: Fixed not dismissing unreal instance from unconnected service properly.
* Fix: Resource: Deltacast live input: Interface and video standard selection available again.
* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio files were not played anymore. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Changíng Clip Params (speed, ...) of free looped clips does not lead to restart of video anymore.
* Fix: GUI: Scrollbar visible again in inspector for Unreal worlds, UI not cut off at the right edge anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant values created in inspector can now be reset via keyboard shortcut "esc".
* Fix: GUI: Scrollbar not hidden anymore in tree/table combinations.
* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer now always created completely when dropping VR resource on timeline structure pane, clips pane or preview screen.
* Fix: Timeline: Fixed crash that appeared during layer parameter editing via Inspector.
* Fix: Color Correction: Crashes avoided when color correction stashes were deleted (e.g. setting background of studio camera to inactive).
* Fix: Color Correction: Inspector was updated correctly when selection moves between projectors.
* Fix: Control: More API selection menu formatting fixes.
* Fix: Video Playback: Incorrect HAP cropping behaviour fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Current time changes via arrow keys fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Resizing of multiple layers via shift+drag works also for newly created layer.
* Fix: Timeline: Crash avoided when changing screen resolution component x or y from 0 to an arbitrary number with fixed aspect ratio.
* Fix: Timeline: Wording in timeline export dialog corrected.
* Fix: Warping: Ffd control point mouse interpretation in 2D mode corrected so that selected points are always draggable.
* Fix: Timeline: Fixed possible crash when launching timeline export dialog.
* Fix: Timeline: Negative clip speed now works for locked to time and free run play modes.
* Fix: Control: Center placement of control inspector disable to avoid layouting issues (centering will be reintroduced in a later version).
* Fix: GUI: Display of all panes ensured after restart of Pixera if warping UI was maximized at close.
* Fix: Direct API: Rotation interpretation corrected.
* Fix: Vioso: Warp setup dialog can be reloaded even if not all entries (project, warp file) were previously used. Manually set warp files do not add up in engine.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based input/output routing does not show preview mappings anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Domination Values: Redo/Undo fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Key Movement. Locking unintentionally switched to "vertically locked" for small mouse movement in y-direction. Fixed.
* Fix: Screens: Inverted UV Sphere winding order and flipped texture coordinates.
* Fix: Live Input: Live input preview led to full cpu usage in some situations. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Engine reset fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Selection issues (clips vs. layers) when editing clip properties in inspector. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Live Input: Preview: Streams are qualified with ip address to avoid collisions between multiple standalone machines in the same network.
* Fix: Unreal: Unreal Engine executable did not launch on clients. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Texture streaming into Unreal Engine with multiple screens fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues did not work for Compositing Layers. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dropping resource folder on timeline in matrix view. Unintentionally each selected resource created two clips. Fixed.
* Fix: API: Suppress engine updates from GUI when screen transformation is controlled from DirectAPI.
* Fix: Mapping: Surface control point snapping to transformed screens corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Service nodes loosing connections after creating new outputs.
* Fix: Unreal: Unreal Engine executable did not launch on clients. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Texture streaming into Unreal Engine with multiple screens fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues did not work for Compositing Layers. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dropping resource folder on timeline in matrix view. Unintentionally each selected resource created two clips. Fixed.
* Fix: API: Suppress engine updates from GUI when screen transformation is controlled from DirectAPI.
* Fix: Mapping: Surface control point snapping to transformed screens corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Service nodes loosing connections after creating new outputs.
* Fix: Unreal: Controlling plug in parameters from timeline fixed.
* Fix: Control: Possible copy & paste error in UI-Builder fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Fixed possible crash or freeze during inter layer clip movement.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Several fixes of displayed connections after service or display device changes.
* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer parameters are now applied correctly.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Set extension latency fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Set extension blur fixed.
* Fix: Engine : Audio: Possible crackling fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Possible crash fixed when activating live input preview.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Live input not hidden in preview by set extension.
* Fix: Engine: Order of screen rotation set from Direct API fixed.
* Fix: Live Input : Live Input preview is now fully deactivated in engine if turned off in GUI.
* Fix: Settings: Automatic activation of full screen on startup fixed.
* Fix: Unreal: Pixera Connect plug in: Unreal instances running on disconnected services will be ignored.
* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Users can't remove connections between projectors and screens anymore. Multiple connections to same output are now possible.
* Fix: Mapping: Segment count of warp meshes used for aligned feed areas settable.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport affects fx param sampler.
* Fix: Projector: Set frustum look at distance fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Video export fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Web resource fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Reveal in explorer for image sequence fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Deinterlacing for live input settable in Inspector.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not being able to input dmx start address.
* Fix: Control: API access menu positioning fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Consecutive pause/stop no longer leads to incorrect button highlight state.
* Fix: Timeline: Fades are stopped when timeline is stopped.
* Fix: Timeline: Layer in preview window is not deselected anymore when corresponding layer
* Fix: Color Correction: Possible crash when using color correction controls avoided.
* Fix: Color Correction: White point reset update enforced.
* Fix: Color Correction: Weight slider update enforced.
* Fix: Control: Fixed copy and paste in UI Builder*  Brush: Control: Pasting an element in UI Builder multiple times changes its position.
* Fix: Control: Unintentional edits avoided when UI Builder is in run mode.
* Fix: Control: Pressing the delete key while focus is on inspector can no longer remove elements from the UI Builder.
* Fix: Control: Two dim field in UI Builder fixed.
* Fix: Audio: Playback of 7.1 audio files fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Resource tree and details table sync issues fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Resource tree not showing up after project load fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Crash fixed when deleting multiple timelines.
* Fix: Engine: CEF: Shared texture mix-up fixed. GPU selection more robust.
* Fix: Timeline: Render order after timeline add/duplication was not well defined. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline:  Duplicate timeline. Ensure correct opacity for new timelines.
* Fix: Timeline: Preceding video clips visible when pure audio clips follow. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Engine: CEF: Shared texture problems fixed when loading multiple instances from single resource.
* Fix: Engine: Unreal: Texture coordinate error when addressing viewports fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Automatic deselction of resources with active live input fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Same context menu for resources in list and matrix view.
* Fix: Library: Possible crash when deleting nodes fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Preceding video clips visible when pure audio clips follow. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Screens: Drag values of labels were inappropriate. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Clips and cues could not be moved when key movement was locked vertically. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Fixed selection issues in table when sorting changed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Wait cues as goal cues did not start playback after wait duration. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Negative clip speed in free loop did not work. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Unreal: Plug in connectivity issues fixed.
* Fix: Control: Crash on close when Control timer active at close fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jumps. Clip clock reset despite of being in "Free Loop" or "Free Play Once". Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash fixed when unloading active audio streams.
* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio clips did not play after preceding video clip with embedded audio.
* Fix: Timeline: Audio still playing when changing clip resource to no-audio file. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Possible crash fixed if pixel format of added resource is not recognized properly.
* Fix: Services: Additionally created outputs are destroyed on project change.
* Fix: Resources: Removing only unused text and mesh resources upon clicking "Remove unused"
* Fix: Timeline: Insert Time. Undo/redo fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Opacity changes were not applied in some cases. Bug fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Possible crash fixed when switching app modes.
* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio clips did not play after preceding video clip with embedded audio.
* Fix: Timeline: Audio still playing when changing clip resource to no-audio file. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Clips with finite in-point were not looped correctly in "Lock to Time" when clip duration was smaller than resource duration. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Possible crash fixed if pixel format of added resource is not recognized properly.
* Fix: Services: Additionally created outputs are destroyed on project change.
* Fix: Resources: Removing only unused text and mesh resources upon clicking "Remove unused"
* Fix: Timeline: Insert Time. Undo/redo fixed.
* Fix: Control: Inter-host device transfer made more robust (complete action and instance path adaptation).
* Fix: Control: Attribute initialization made more robust (avoids addition of unneeded meta parameters when attributes are not fully standard-conformant).
* Fix: Resources: Crash when canceling resource replacement fixed.
* Fix: API: CueApplied monitoring event only generated after new transport state is available for queries.
* Fix: Timeline: Text Resource as Dominant Value. Text was not shown when layer had no clips but dominant resource media. Bug fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Freeze fixed when dropping folder on descendant in tree.
* Fix: API: CueApplied monitoring event only generated after new transport state is available for queries.
* Fix: Timeline: Text Resource as Dominant Value. Text was not shown when layer had no clips but dominant resource media. Bug fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Freeze fixed when dropping folder on descendant in tree.
* Fix: Control: Parameter reporting visualization no longer restricted to first parameter.
* Fix: GUI: Color Correction HSV. Wheel label did not update after canceling dominant value. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Wrong alpha handling when using effects fixed.
* Fix: API: Mesh assignment to layer fixed.
* Fix: Effects: Path to default FXs in project is updated when loading project in new version.
* Fix: Unreal Plugin: Rotation axis fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Fixed texture positioning for bypass warping depending on screen target mode and feed mode.
* Fix: Timeline: Fade to time cross fade fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Foreground with Unreal Compositing Layer fixed.
* Fix: Effects: Path to default FXs in project is updated when loading project in new version.
* Fix: Mapping: Fixed texture positioning for bypass warping depending on screen target mode and feed mode.
* Fix: Engine: Possible crash with NotchLC/HAP and multi-gpu fixed.
* Fix: Video Input: List of available video modes was too short in some cases. Fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Path handling for network drives adressed by IP corrected.
* Fix: Resources: Preview conversion of images fixed if preview config changed by user.
* Fix: Timeline: Live Input Freeze Fx fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Fx MaskRGB. Incorrect masking for directly attached clips. Fixed.
* Fix: Warping: MPCDI with lower resolution than output usable.
* Fix: Timeline: Cancel domination values in preview resets selection controls.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline Inspector. Nowpointer scrolling in snippet was broken when layer contained more than one clip. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Merged clips with FX parameter events fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Opacity events were created on "Store Domination" even when opacity value was not dominant. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Vioso: Path to data directory corrected (File dialog did not show up).
* Fix: Timeline: Record mode. Missing engine updates when moving nowpointer after creating events via layer editing in preview. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Domination originating from editing layer in preview could not be canceled correctly. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline Inspector. Param label were not updated when nowpointer was moved. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Studio Camera: Screen output assignments corrected.
* Fix: Compositing: Layer selection after origin change fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Data Layer. Changes of clip events are applied directly without the need of resetting the nowpointer.
* Fix: GUI: Timeline Inspector. Fixed scrolling issues.
* Fix: Control: Connections: Opening a project in older versions can no longer lead to missing connections.
* Fix: Control: UI Builder: Initial value of slider is no longer sent when a switch between edit and run mode happens.
* Fix: Control: UI Builder: If an empty page is requested, the UI Builder now loads the first page of the project.
* Fix: Warping: Marker calibration fixed for aggregate outputs.
* Fix: Timeline: Cues: Possible crash fixed when Shift+Drag is used on cue to create copy.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues with Blend Duration. Removed unwanted black frame at blend start.
* Fix: Unreal: Identification of instances not relying on hardcoded path.
* Fix: Resources: Image sequence handling corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: Rounding error with pixel pos and dims fixed.
* Fix: API: getAssignedResource returns also resources assigned from clip.
* Fix: Modifier: Control point scaling fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Fixed appearing of video inputs which were active before the outputs were opened.
* Fix: GUI: Inspector multi selection fixes.
* Fix: Vioso: Path to data directory corrected (File dialog did not show up).
* Fix: Mapping: Marker calibration: Marker position corrected for aggregate outputs.
* Fix: Timeline: Cues: Possible crash fixed when Shift+Drag is used on cue to create copy.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues with Blend Duration. Removed unwanted black frame at blend start.
* Fix: Mapping: Rounding error with pixel pos and dims fixed.
* Fix: Modifier: Control point scaling fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Fixed appearing of video inputs which were active before the outputs were opened.
* Fix: Mapping: Projector to screen mapping: Feed rect positioning for two projectors above each other fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Performance issues fixed when multiple audio tracks are used.
* Fix: Modifier: Additional vertex modifiers can be removed.
* Fix: Resources: Text resource: Editor uses selected font to display special characters.
* Fix: Screens: External screens objects can be added by dropping a folder.
* Fix: Modifier: Additional vertex modifiers can be removed.
* Fix: Resources: Text resource: Editor uses selected font to display special characters.
* Fix: Screens: External screens objects can be added by dropping a folder.
* Fix: Mapping: Projector to screen mapping: Feed rect positioning for two projectors above each other fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Possible crash on selection change fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Initial positioning of masks fixed. Control point visualization in outer softedge corrected.
* Fix: API: Pixera.Timelines.Clip.createEvent() can create Opacity events.
* Fix: Screens: Crash when deleting screens fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Live input initialization more robust.
* Fix: Resource: Preview conversion for standard content fixed.
* Fix: API: Pixera.Timelines.Clip.createEvent() can create Opacity events.
* Fix: Engine: Live input initialization more robust.
* Fix: Resource: Preview conversion for standard content fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Resource status corrected for image sequences.
* Fix: Softedge: Screen aligned mask size fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Marquee selection of multiple clips fixed.
* Fix: API: Monitoring events only sent to Json Rpc and Control connections (avoids events being treated as malformed http responses).
* Fix: Timeline: Cues encountered during SMPTE input no longer lead to inconsistent states between GUI and engine. Drift correction can be disabled.
* Fix: Timeline: Undo timeline duration changes led to undefined behavior of output/preview. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Avio: Delayed start of glue.exe to avoid problems with long pixera project load time.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline opacity. Opacity was no more editable after project load during running Pixera session. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Service: Do not override existing device settings in project and ensure application if service is hibernating.
* Fix: Service: Output synchronization set from device settings in project ensured.
* Fix: Control: Port-Binding: Ports are bound to the default interface of pixera per default.
* Fix: Control: Display a warning in Calendar if no AUX directory is available
* Fix: Resources: Multiple fixes regarding selection in details table.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Loop duration of dominant videos was incorrect sometimes. Bug fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze of application fixed when mouse enters timeline.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Resource change led to wrong sampler clock ids. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Start of old video was visible when changing dominant video resources. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Possible crash in resource asset table fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Possible crash when importing image sequences fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Rotation cube always visible after app mode change.
* Fix: GUI: Detached timeline is not lost when closed in Mapping, Screens or Settings app mode.
* Fix: Timeline: Cues. Stop cue fade was broken. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Next video sampler did not play while fading in. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Suppressing obsolete engine updates that led to non fluently running output. Fixed.
* Fix: Workspace: Text selection in workspace for different text layouts corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: Projector frustum rotation in warp preview fixed for screens rotated 90 degrees around Y-Axis.
* Fix: Perspectives: Perspective rotation fixed for screens with normals pointing along Y-axis.
* Fix: Timeline: Destination time of externally triggered (via API, Shortcuts, Next Cue-Button, ...) jump cue was incorrect. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Engine freeze after fast changing seeks fixed.
* Fix: Engine: HAP playback fixed for resolution sizes which are a multiple of 4 but not 8.
* Fix: Engine: Notch blocks working again. Path to dll fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Outpoint Frame. Wrong frame was shown for clips with outpoint > 0 and speed != 1. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Notch: Initial values of params were not loaded completely. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Fixed import of images from folders.
* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze on application shutdown fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Notch: Problems after reloading notch block fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Redundant layer unit scale factor fixed.
* Fix: Perspectives: Perspective positioning for screen used as floor projection corrected.
* Fix: Engine: Layer blend modes fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Default alpha blend operation set to max to avoid problems with alpha > 1 and advanved blend ops like multiply.
* Fix: Workspace: Wrong direct manipulation of layers in compositing preview fixed if layer origin is set to 'Absolute'.
* Fix: Timeline: Input of invalid strings (e.g. ",,,") in number labels led to crash. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: If 'Remove Unused Resources' applied to single resource command is not applied to parent folder anymore. FXs are not removed at all anymore.
* Fix: Resources: Replacing image file does not change it to an image sequence if numbered files are found.
* Fix: Mapping: Feed rectangle reset corrected.
* Fix: Installer: Uninstall now removes shortcut in start menu.
* Fix: Workspace: Only buttons of button bar intercept mouse events (not the bar itself).
* Fix: Live Inputs: Initialized correctly in preview and output engines after Pixera startup.
* Fix: Live Inputs: Correct thumbnail loading after Pixera startup.
* Fix: GUI: Long shutdown times fixed.
* Fix: Live Inputs: Live Inputs. Audio plays directly after first positioning of nowpointer over clip.
* Fix: Timeline: Clip in-point is not changed while drag is still snapped.
* Fix: Engine: Wrong GPU usage on multi GPU systems fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Preview file generation fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Softedge background image is added to selected mapping. Mapping selection does not change for different mappimg modes.
* Fix: Resources: Content transcoding fixed for projects created in Demo or Player version.
* Fix: DMX: Not taking into account blendToCue param while patching.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not updating mute buttons properly and updated timeline footprint.
* Fix: Timeline: Effects were sometimes applied in incorrect order. Bug fixed.
* Fix: FX: Wrong premultiplied alpha handling fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: When starting playback in front of a clip dominant fx video params sometimes did not play. Bug fixed.
* Fix: API: Fixed methods placed in wrong namespace
* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for color resources settable.
* Fix: Engine: Transcoding of some videos failed. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for live input folder settable.
* Fix: Mapping: Softedge background image is added to selected mapping. Mapping selection does not change for different mappimg modes.
* Fix: Resources: Content transcoding fixed for projects created in Demo or Player version.
* Fix: DMX: Not taking into account blendToCue param while patching.
* Fix: DMX: Fixed not updating mute buttons properly and updated timeline footprint.
* Fix: Timeline: Effects were sometimes applied in incorrect order. Bug fixed.
* Fix: FX: Wrong premultiplied alpha handling fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: When starting playback in front of a clip dominant fx video params sometimes did not play. Bug fixed.
* Fix:  API: Fixed methods placed in wrong namespace
* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for color resources settable.
* Fix: Engine: Transcoding of some videos failed. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for live input folder settable.
* Fix: Timeline: Play cues wrongly applied blends. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Duplication of ingestion folders fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Projector lens distortion correction fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Hang avoided when mouse moves slightly above a thin clip.
* Fix: DMX: Resource assignment after project load fixed.
* Fix: API: Perspective transformation via Direct API handles layer origin 'absolute' correctly.
* Fix: Resources: Duplication of ingestion folders avoided.
* Fix: Timeline: Play cues wrongly applied blends. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Feed rect marquee selection fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Audio device enumeration fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Webview loading fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Free run loop error fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Playback buttons show timeline state in timelines tab.
* Fix: Workspace: Preview of fade to time fixed.
* Fix: Content Transcoding: UI layout fixes.
* Fix: Art-Net: Art-Net output using unicast restored correctly after project load.
* Fix: Art-Net: Possible rounding error in mapping fixed.
* Fix: GUI: Projectors: Shaded frustum render order fixed. Shaded feed rect only for active mappings.
* Fix: API: Interpretation of strings as binary data in cue output corrected.
* Fix: Art-Net: Possible crash fixed when deleting Art-Net output.
* Fix: Transcoding: Wrong fps for image sequence transcoding fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when assigning an output to an active screens.
* Fix: Services: Wrong (de)activation of NDI output streams fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when source feed rect selection changes.
* Fix: API: Opacity now accessible via Compound.set/getValue().
* Fix: Live Input: NDI live input is reconnected correctly when stream disapperas and appears again.
* Fix: DMX: Layer footprint corrected.
* Fix: Mapping: Wrong projector flipping in in Warp, Softedge or Marker Calibration window fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Looped Clips: Conserving time when switching into dominant transport, e.g. click "Pause" on transport node.
* Fix: Multi User: Local system can no longer discover itself as a multi-user participant.
* Fix: Calibration: Automatic updates of marker calibration not working after deleting control points fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Screen feeds only selectable in workspace for screen dived in.
* Fix: Engine: Mappings to output always write to depth buffer.
* Fix: Timeline: Looped Clips. Conserving time when switching into dominant transport, e.g. click "Pause" on transport mode. Finished. Bug fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Color resources are now transformed to the current intermediate color space (they previously could be rendered in linear space without gamma uncompanding).
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Transport. Pressing Stop Button of Transport Node Did Not Reset Video to Frame 0. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Transport. Reset over Paused Free Loop Clip Starts Playback at Wrong Frame. Fixed.
* Fix: Resource: Single image will not be recognized as image sequence.
* Fix: Resource: Compositing resources do not loose properties on reload.
* Fix: Mapping: Softedge: Ensure consistent soft edge export.
* Fix: Engine: Seeking in video files for interlaced videos fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Distribute to all Clients button available for all resources that have assets.
* Fix: Mapping: Maximized aux engine was not visible on first toogle. Bug fixed                                                      


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