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Multiuser Featurematrix Push/Pull and Incremental Overview

 3 Minutes

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This matrix serves as an overview of the majority of Pixera´s features and if they work in Multiuser environments. 


Pixera Feature: Pixera Features

Working: yes / no, some need an update (refresh GUI for example by changing tab)

Push Pull: this feature is limited to Push/Pull

Incremental: this feature works for Push/Pull AND Incremental


Pixera Feature Working Push/Pull Incremental
Pushing 3D Object on first Project pusch Yes x  
3D Object push in Inspector yes x  
Modul in Control push via global project push yes x  
Timelineopacity  in Timelinetools (Top Bar) yes   x
Timelineopacity in Timelinetab (Ressources) yes   x
Automatic TL fade in/out no   x
Zoom Facto no   x
Layer height no   x
Follow and Jump to Nowpointer no   x
Toggle state of next cue  yes   x
Jump to next/previous no   x
Create Cue yes   x
Add layer yes   x
Add time yes   x
Cut yes   x
Keyframe movement no    
Keyframe joint kind yes   x
Content via NAS working. However transferstate is not correct (screenshots nas)  yes x  
 Ingested Content after push correct distributed to clients yes x  
Replace Ressource working yes x  
custom effect import yes x  
Unreal project import yes x  
Rename Content yes x  
Color Ressource yes x  
Text Ressource yes x  
Web Ressources yes x  
Layer Reference yes x  
Multi Resource yes x  
Content Transcoding yes x  
Create Folder yes   x
Rename Folder yes   x
Import Content via plus from local drive yes   x
Import Content via plus from NAS yes   x
rename video yes   x
color resource yes   x
change color resource yes   x
replace resource no    
move content in resource browser yes   x
load and edit textfile yes   x
unreal project import no    
web resources no    
layer reference no    
Multi resource no    
live input resource no    
move content to content transcoding no    
new resource after transcoding in resources yes   x
import Model yes   x
import custom shader yes   x
import audio yes   x
extract audio yes   x
Timeline Renaming yes   x
Timeline Transport yes   x
Edit Timelinetime yes   x
Timeline Opacity fade yes   x
ignore next cue  yes   x
Jump to next/previous yes   x
Duplicate Timeline no    
Right click fade in/out no    
right click remove  yes   x
TL Inspector - change fps yes   x
TL Inspector - speed factor yes   x
TL Inspector - opacity yes   x
TL Inspector - fade duration yes   x
TL Inspector fade to time mode yes   x
TL Inspector - Cues settings yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - Mode yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - input behaviour yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - general offest yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - substract offset yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - +/- offset yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - pause till tc reaches offset yes   x
TL Inspector SMPTE - checkboxes ensure device time and correct drift yes   x
SMPTE Hot Regions - creation yes   x
SMPTE Hot Regions -  mute checbox no    
SMPTE Hot Regions - rename no    
SMPTE Hot Regions - time settings no    
TL - API Settings - Layer ignore perspective transf no    
TL API - send current ime to control yes   x
TL API - API Output yes   x
Create Screen Group yes   x
Add Screens yes   x
Delete Screens  no    
duplicate Screen Grouü yes   x
Rename yes   x
Rename yes   x
Color no    
all sub setings work     x
Creation yes   x
Movement yes   x
PREVIEW CAM INSPECTOR all is working   x
renaming  no    
color no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Screen Group presence no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Home Screen yes   x
Render Options - Clip Space position no    
Render Options - rest of settings yes   x
Restrict to specific mashine no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Preload and Timings - Preload Time yes   x
Preload and Timings - dominant ressource fade time no    
Audio - workflow with multi audio devices??      
Audio - Base channel yes   x
Layer Offset no    
Inscreen Editing yes   x
InScreen Editing set dominant Value no    
Delete & Apply Cntent to layer yes   x
Extend Object length  yes   x
Keyframes directly on Object      
Set opacity Keyframes yes   x
Volume yes   x
Position     x
Rotation yes   x
size yes   x
change joint kind yes   x
copy keyframes yes   x
copy paste keystructure no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
ALt+S - delete all keyframes and store current value yes   x
duplicate layer yes   x
link parameters  no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Mute volume, layer, parameter yes   x
Layer transport no    
dominant content change no    
cut yes   x
remove layer yes   x
duplicate layer yes   x
rename layer no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
change layer order no   x
Create Compositing Layer yes   x
Create PDTF Layer yes   x
Perspective Laer yes   x
preview Camera yes   x
Content on new layer yes   x
Add multiple Resources to layer yes   x
Change Scale Unit Mode via Right Click no    
Set origin via right click (and inspector) no    
Apply Effect to Layer no    
set keyframes  yes   x
remove fx yes   x
Layer Mapping Effekte no    
Multi FX no    
Move FX yes   x
add 3D Model to layer no    
Move Content, Copy, Crossfade yes   x
resize to resource duration yes   x
close timeline gap to nowpoint yes   x
close timeline gap to clip yes   x
close timeline gap to cue yes   x
inpoint to current frame no    
outpoint to current frame no    
add cues before and end clip yes   x
cut at current time yes   x
Clear Content Mapping ??    
Speed Clip no    
time yes   x
duration yes   x
Playmode yes   x
Color Correction no    
pOacitiy, position,Szie yes   x
Timing no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Blending yes   x
SCREEN GROUPS/Perspectives      
Move perspectives yes   x
Layer Srceen assignement no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Content does not show correctly after screen group assignements     
reset screen perspectives no   x
frustrum size depends on resolution no   x
maintain closest corner no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
frustrum position in logical raster no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
perspective offset no/yes   not immediately refresh needed
Position yes   x
2D Orientation yes   x
size yes   x
reset yes   x
screen target transformation yes   x
All Dominant Values are not transferred via MultiUser      


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