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Error number 3 occurred / video decoder error: bad frame

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Error number 3 occurred / video decoder error: bad frame


If you get the message Error number 3 occurred or the message video decoder error: bad frame, then it is more likely that the video is defective.

This can lead to either certain frames of the video on the output being faulty or the entire video not being played at all.

The message can look like this in the workspace:

or like that in the notification history:


To verify if the video file is broken, a good way is to test it with ffplay.

Please download the latest FFmpeg release from and install/unzip it.

Open the bin folder and drag and drop the Video file on ffplay.exe

The video will start in fullscreen. Please press Alt + Tab to navigate to the console window.

If the video is broken, an error like that will show up when the broken frame is played back.


Please re-encode the video from the original footage.



Pixera 2.0.65 | June 18.  2024 | O.H.

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