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Basic Troubleshooting

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Check Discovery IP




Check to make sure you are not connected to Wi-Fi IP address

Try Loop back (

If connected to larger system: make sure you’re on the right NIC

Mapping -> Live, look for a graph in the inspector or green circle at machine to see if this is a Discovery issue.





 please make sure you restart Pixera anytime you change discover IP



Does Client IP Filter have your client machine in it? If this is set to it won't be able to see any other machine on the network







Outputs Activated


Check that the outputs are activated in Mapping -> Live (F5).



Use Test Pattern to determine if the engine is outputting, this can help determine if this is an issue with Pixera or the content!



Try using On-Screen Statistics (Ctrl+9) to see if they show up on the outputs











Please make sure that you have deactivated Windows Defender or any other firewalls active on that NIC













Check Presence



Check to make sure the Pixera Version matches the Presence Version on the clients. You can do this using HUB
Check that “Used Adapter IP” in Presence matches the Discovery IP In Pixera.



Restart Presence if you change this IP






Check Content Codec


If you are experiencing stuttering or jittery playback, please check your codecs

Supported File Formats - Codecs 






Check Storage Drive



Another thing to check for stuttering playback is to double check where your content is being played back from. Often the drive that Pixera is referencing is a removable storage drive. 

Check default storage drive in Mapping→Live to make sure that your clients are on their fastest possible drives.



Other Things to try

Open Pixera/Presence in administrator mode






Pixera 2.0.6| 21 February 2024

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