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Pixera Network Usage

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Pixera Network Usage

Manager IP address

The default IP used by a Pixera Manager can be set in the Discovery Settings under "Main Network Adapter".

Client IP address

The default IP used by an engine on a client can be set in the dialog launched by the Configure Network button in the Presence interface.

API IP address

API output and input IPs can be set in the API Settings.

The API Ports can be set in the API settings as well


The API Ports can be disabled by setting them to zero

Multicast addresses

The following multicast addresses are used: Client Discovery Multi-User Discovery Engine Timing Service Unreal Plugin Discovery


28018 UDP Client Discovery
28016 - 28019 UDP Client Communication
27101 TCP Engine Manager
27102 TCP Engine Storage Manager
27103 TCP Engine Render Service
27110 TCP Engine Utility Service
8020 HTTP Engine Web Service
30001 TCP Engine Timing Service
1338 HTTP Control Web Server
29786 TCP Control Inter-Host
1510 UDP Unreal Plugin Discovery
1201 TCP Unreal Plugin Communication


Pixera Control includes access to network API. Beside that individual modules can use IPs and ports as necessary


NDI streaming support is based on the NewTek implementation - for further information please visit the NewTek Homepage

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