Files in the the Notch LC video format can now be created using PIXERA.
The workflow is the normal transcoding workflow since Notch LC, i.e. Notch LC is now one of the transcoding presets.
Current tests indicate that PIXERA is even slightly faster than Adobe Media at generating Notch LC files.
The Notch LC specification is flexible with regard to color standards. But since many systems did not adhere to the standard an unofficial convention arose that Notch LC uses the sRGB color space. The assumption is present as well in a video-decoding component we use, especially for the preview. Since our encoder is standard-conformant it can produce non-sRGB files if the source is not sRGB.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Color Profile
During transcoding, the colour profile of the original file is used and embedded in Notch LC. This is important to note if Notch LC files from Pixera are to be played in another software solution - the colour space may need to be adjusted or set here.
The transcoding preset can be found in the Content Transcoding Window of Pixera

Further Content Transcoding Improvements
It is no longer necessary to move the files to the ‘Content Transcoding’ folder in advance.
Transcoding can now be started at file level or at folder level by right-clicking in a predefined preset.

Transcoded files are then saved directly next to the original file on the hard drive.

In PIXERA, the transcoded file appears as a version of the original file and can therefore be selected via file versioning instead of the original file.

It is now also possible to transcode a whole folder in one batch via the right click option

Pixera 25.1 INTER 2 | 24. January 2025 | FE