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2.0 Screen Groups

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Screen Groups

New to Screen Groups in PIXERA 2.0 is the ability to add Screen objects to multiple screen groups and assign layers visibility based on a new parameter in Setup: Screen Group Presence.

You can add a new screen group by clicking on the plus button in the Screen Groups tab:



You can rename the Screen Group by selecting it and changing the Name in the Inspector.

You can then right click on the Screen group and choose which screen objects will be within this screen group.

Alternatively, you could duplicate a Screen Group that already has the screen objects in it that you desire from this same menu.



We can select which Screen Groups a layer appears in by selecting a Layer and going to Setup to find a new parameter: Screen Group Presence


Screen Group Presence has replaced Screen Presence in 2.0

Additionally, there is an added option for each layer: ‘Render Only on Home Screen’ will render the layer only on its Home Screen, no matter what Screen Groups it is in.



Layers can appear in one, or multiple Screen Groups by clicking on the check boxes in the drop-down menu:



Layers must appear in at least one Screen Group



There is now an added drop down selection menu in the workspace in order to change between screen groups when diving in.

When we dive in, we can re-arrange the screen perspectives for each Screen Group individually by changing which Screen Group we're in.

Here, we've set up Screen A and Screen B of Layout 1 to meet in the middle of some content.



Here's what that looks like when we Dive Out



We can change this layer's Screen Group Presence property to only appear with Layout 2. We can then re arrange the Perspectives of Layout 2 so that both perspectives overlap.



We can see two different layouts for the same Screen Objects.


Workflow example


Sometimes it is necessary to display different mappings on the same outputs. By utilizing the new screen groups there are fresh solutions available.

Create the different screen groups for different layers to show different mappings on the outputs. 


In this example two screen groups were created for the setup. The first screengroup setup is seen on the screenshot. The first layer was assigned to the first screengroup:



Meanwhile the second layer is assigned to the second screen group. As you can see the inner perspective setup differs:


Now the system can fade simple between two different screen group setups (different mappings so to speak):




PIXERA 1.9.144| 28. September 2023

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