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FileWatchfolder Module

 0 Minutes




The FileWatchfolder module is designed to take files added to a folder on the system's drive and load them into Pixera automatically.



The module can be used to automate adding files into Pixera. All you have to do is move the files you want into a specific folder on whatever drive is pointed to and the module will pull in those files, creating resources for them.

These files can also be deleted from the Resources when the file is missing from the folder on the drive.



In the Properties of the module, set if you want Resources to be removed if the related file on the drive is missing.

Next enter the Folderpath on your drive you want to be watched for changes.

Select the Pixera Folder you want the Resources to be saved into.

Init the module and files should now begin to load.


The module does not support subfolders on the drive, only files in the specified folder location will be loaded.





Action/Folder Parameters Description
init() NA Initializes the module
uninit() NA Un-initializes the module
resourcesChanged() NA Runs if the contents of the watched folder changes
Internal Folder Holds technical actions
getFolderPixera() NA Gets the folder from the given path
remove() NA Deletes the watcher object
register() NA Registers the watcher object to the folder



Name Type Default
Auto Init bool true
Log Changes bool true
Use Generic Watcher bool false
Remove Deleted Resources bool false
Folderpath string C:\Temp\null
Pixera Folder number Media/Standard Content
INFO string Use Generic Watcher only if you get a Error message to enable. Currently no subfolder supported.


Pixera 1.9.175 | 09.11.2023

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