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This document is a guide on how to use MQTT module in Pixera. The module integrates Message Queuing Telemetry Transport - short MQTT into Pixera and you can subscribe and publish values for multiple topics.



The module can be found in PIXERA Control Protocolls → Mqtt. 

Drag and drop the module from the library into the workspace, select it and configure the settings according to your requirements.

Port and Address of your MQTT Broker have to be set. User and Password can be used depending on your MQTT Broker configuration. Furthermore you can choose the MQTT Version your Broker is supporting.


To subscribe or publish a topic, please fill in the topic and press Add Subscription or Add Publish. An action will then be created in the corresponding folder of the Module. These created actions can the be connected to any other action in PIXERA Control.

For Published Actions you can choose the Qos down below.

To remove an action simple right click the action and select Remove n in the context menu.


Pixera 2.1.55 | 03 July 2024

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