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LUA Intellisense Options

 4 Minutes



PIXERA holds a variety of premade calls and libraries which can be created using Intellisense to help learn new calls and quickly create scripts. In this article, we will go over these calls alphabetically and their uses.



  • and
    • Used inside If statements to extend a conditional to include multiple checks. Both checks before and after must be true to pass.
  • asyncCall()
    • The Utils.Timer.asyncCall allows you to run an action with asynchronously from the rest of the running Module. An example would be to print a value at a later time than immediately when pixc.log is called.




  • break
    • Used to break out of a loop early.



  • Cue.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Cue.



  • else
    • Used alongside an if statement to have the code inside ran if all other if and elseif conditions are failed.
  • elseif
    • Used alongside an if statement to have the code ran inside if the previous if or elseif condition failed.
  • end
    • Concludes the end of a variety of statements in LUA, such as the end of an if statement, a function, or a loop.



  • for
    • Creates a for loop with default values of i=1, condition 10, and a counter of 1 with inside code to log the i/current count value each loop.
  • for pairs
    • Creates a for pair loop used to grab every element in a table to then run the code inside using the element.
  • for pairs … print
    • Creates a for pair loop used to grab every element in a table to then print the i/index value along with the value inside the table at that index.
  • function
    • Creates a function statement to then fill in the variables and inside code.



  • if
    • Creates an if statement with a basic ‘val ==  “”’ conditional to run the code inside if true.
  • if else
    • Creates an if statement with a basic ‘val == “”’ conditional to run the code inside if true, and an else statement to run the code inside if the if statement is false.
  • if NOT
    • Creates an if statement with a not conditional, ‘val ~= “”’, which will run the code inside if true.
  • interval
    • Creates a line of code to set and interval. An interval is a timer which will continuously run an action every set amount of milliseconds, with the default printing “Pixera" every second. See this article for more information: Call action with interval in code.
  • io
    • Gives visual to all the functions that can be used under the Input/Output LUA Library inside Pixera with descriptions on their usage.
  • InternalScripting
    • Gives visual to multiple internal API calls involving the internal information and GUI of PIXERA, as well as some Utility type Calls.



  • local
    • Used to specify a following variable as a local variable, meaning it will be cleared from memory once the Action has finished.
  • local function
    • Creates a local function statement to then fill in the name, variables, and inside code.
  • Layer.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Layer.
  • LiveSystem.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a LiveSystem.



  • math
    • Gives visual to all the functions that can be used under the Math LUA Library inside Pixera with descriptions on their usage.



  • Node.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Node.



  • os
    • Gives visual to all the functions that can be used under the OS LUA Library inside Pixera with descriptions on their usage.



  • pcall()
    • Creates a Try-Catch statement for the user to then enter the function to test and its arguments, with the results returning to two separate variables.
  • pcall if not success
    • Creates a Try-Catch statement for the user to then enter the function to test and its arguments, with the results returning to two separate variables. Another statement is also created which will run the code inside if the “success” variable is false.
  • pcall if success
    • Creates a Try-Catch statement for the user to then enter the function to test and its arguments, with the results returning to two separate variables. Another statement is also created which will run the code inside if the “success” variable is true.
  • pixc
    • Gives visual to all Logging and Node calls.
  • print()
    • Will call the similar pixc.log call to print the given data into the log.
  • Param.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Parameter.
  • Projector.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Projector.
  • Pixera
    • Gives visual to all the main API Calls found in the PIXERA Module and the PIXERA Direct API.



  • require “json”
    • Allows the internal JSON library to be used. Will create a statement creating a “self.json” variable which needs to be used for the calls.
  • require “pixcHelper”
    • Allows the internal Helper library to be used. Will create a statement creating a “self.helper” variable which needs to be used for the calls.
  • require “xml2lua”
    • Allows the internal XML library to be used. Will create a statement creating a “self.xml2lua” variable which needs to be used for the calls.
  • require “xmlhandler.tree”
    • Allows the internal XML Handler library to be used. Will create a statement creating a “self.treehandler” variable which needs to be used for the calls.
  • return
    • Will end the running of the Action when used, will also return any following variables to an Action if it had called this one.
  • Resource.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Resource.
  • ResourceFolder.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a ResourceFolder.



  • setPosition()
    • Sets the Position of a WEB UI Element on this Module from the given Page, Element name, and position values.
  • setStyle()
    • Sets the Style of a WEB UI Element on this Module from the given Page, Element name, and Style name.
  • setValue()
    • Sets the value of a WEB UI Element on this Module from the given Page, Element name, and value.
  • setVisible()
    • Sets the Visibility of a WEB UI Element on this Module from the given Page, Element name, and boolean value.
  • self()
    • Gives visual to all the Actions that can be called on this Module, including the Utility Actions. Can also create Variables on the Module with this call.
  • setTimeout()
    • Creates an async call statement which will call the function with the inside code after the specified amount of milliseconds.
  • sleep()
    • Creates a sleep statement to pause the running of the Action code for the specified milliseconds.
  • string
    • Gives visual to all the functions that can be used under the String LUA Library inside Pixera with descriptions on their usage.
  • Screen.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Screen.



  • table
    • Gives visual to all the functions that can be used under the Table LUA Library inside Pixera with descriptions on their usage.
  • tonumber()
    • Creates a statement to turn the given value into a number value.
  • tostring()
    • Creates a statement to turn the given value into a string value.
  • type()
    • Creates a statement to check the given value's type and return a string of that type's name.
  • Timeline.getInst()
    • Creates the API Call path to get the instance of a Timeline.



  • while … end
    • Creates a while loop to run the inside code until the given condition is failed.
  • wait()
    • Creates a sleep statement to pause the running of the Action code for the specified milliseconds.


Pixera 2.0.172 | 12. November 2024 | C.L.

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