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The EventScheduler is designed to trigger events at specific times.




With the setting "Number of Events" you can specify how many events should be generated.
In the field "Time Format" you can set the scheme according to which the ticker runs.
The actual triggering in the background is done with a string comparison of the time and the event.

Then generate the desired number once with "createEvents", here "dynamicRebuildFromDescriptions" is used thereby the complete Lua code is regenerated.

In the respective events now the time can be entered as string e.g. 15:45:00 The input must correspond to this scheme otherwise the query does not work, the time function checks the value of the events and with agreement the event is called.

It is also possible to enter the event using another module, but this will not trigger the event, if nothing is sent to the function, the event will be triggered, so you can e.g. create a new function and connect it, by sending nil as default, the event will then be triggered

The code in the module only makes a string comparison for the different events, so the notation must be observed.
By selecting the time format, this is already displayed in the action Time, it is important that the string corresponds to this notation.



Enter the number of desired entries.
Generate entries.
Enter the time in the respective entry



In this example, I have set the time format to DayName H:M:S. This means that the event is only triggered on this day at the desired time. I have also set an event time here with a Send Text module. This also allows events to be set and triggered dynamically. Care has been taken to ensure that setting an event does not trigger the event. To set a time, we simply write the desired time in the action


Pixera 1.9.139 | 22.09.2023

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