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Control Basic Overview

 1 Minute



The Control tab is the fourth of the Main Tabs in PIXERA. It is expected that this tab will either be unused, slightly used, heavily used, or the main focus depending on what a project is looking to do.

Sub Tabs


Like the Mapping tab, Control offers three sub tabs on the left side: Library, Project and Live.

Library Tab


The Library tab includes a variety of premade Modules can be used in the Control tab to bring quick functionality to a project.

Drivers for example offer Modules that allow 3rd party device or software support. Whether it be connecting a Loupedeck to PIXERA for running different cues, or sending Tracking Data to PIXERA for moving content around. You can also create your own custom drivers that can be used in any project.

Protocols provide Modules for network transmission. Some of the supported protocols include TCP, UDP, Art-Net, DMX, MIDI and OSC. Custom protocols can be added as well, and many of these protocols are used in the Driver Modules as an example of adapting a basic protocol to work with a specific 3rd party device or software.

Tools offers different Modules for operations that are frequently used. Such as type conversion, sinus wave number generation, Timeline information, etc.

Project Tab


The Project tab gives an overview of all Modules in use and facilitates the workflow in large projects. All implemented Actions are displayed in a hierarchical structure and can be directly selected.

Live Tab


The Live tab shows all Control systems in the network. Different PIXERA instances can run on different computers, but their Control Modules are able to communicate with each other. These control-groups can be defined under Settings/Control/Participate in Control Group", by entering the same character string in each server's instance of PIXERA.

Navigating in Control


On the right above the viewport, you can find the Navigation Elements:

  • Red - Log: Opens the logging window, which is used for text output. Error messages are also shown here.

  • Orange - Zoom: Used to zoom in and out of the Workspace.

  • Yellow - View All: Will zoom out to show all Modules in the Workspace.

  • Green - View Reset: Will reset the Workspace zoom to the default.

  • Teal - Multiuser: Will also pushing and pulling of Control to Multiuser Members.

  • Blue - Connection: Will turn on and off the ability for Modules to make outside connections. Useful for programming on a system without a Control licensing allowing the needed amount of Connection Modules.

  • Purple - Timeline: Will turn on and off the Timeline Tab from appearing in the Control Tab.

Mouse and Keyboard Navigation

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